Just like the Coast Guard rescues stranded castaways from a desert island after finding their message in a bottle and just like the police come in to save the day and stop the bad guys- The Lord has come to our rescue to bring us salvation. He gave us a message in The Bible through the years that prophesied of His plan of salvation- all the way back to the Garden. From the first moment that man fell into sin, God was there with His rescue plan- just see Genesis 3:15- the seed of the woman will come and crush the serpent's head. But even before that-even before sin ever came into the world- God already had The Lamb slain- before the foundation of the world! (Revelation 13:8)
Ultimately, Easter is when the plan was fulfilled- when Jesus came and died on the cross and rose again to pay for all sins. And this is really what we celebrate at Christmas- the promise fulfilled when Jesus came to be born to a virgin, laid in a manger in a stable, worshipped by shepherds and angels and grow up as the perfect Son of God. The Prince of Peace salvation brings- let loving hearts enthrone Him. And He has brought us peace with God- and He will one day come again and bring peace on earth permanently when He reigns supreme and ultimately takes us to Heaven. Merry Christmas and Happy Easter. :-)
"Message in The Bible"
(parody of "Message in a Bottle" by The Police; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 12/13/2014)
(Luke 1-2, Matthew 1-2, Mark 1:1, John 1:1-18, John 1:29, John 3:16, Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 7:14, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 10:9, Galatians 4:4, Acts 4:12, Genesis 3:15, Revelation 13:8, John 20:30-31, 1 John 5:13)
Just a captive, hey- in a land (of) darkness deep, oh
So Father shone The Way- a glowing light so great, oh
So go read this- Isaiah 9:2, yeah
Rescue me, oh Lord- I call on You, Messiah!
I'll send an S.O.S. to The Lord
I sent my S.O.S. to The Lord
I know that Yahweh hears me
I hope He comes soon- Lord's Christ
God told (me) He comes ere I die
Simeon's what I'm called, yeah
Luke 2 in The Bible, yeah
In time's fullness sending forth God's Son
In 3:15 Genesis- right from the start
The virgin conceives Immanuel
Lamb will save our lives but
Lamb was slain before start
Christ slain before the start of the world
It's in 13:8 Rev. in The Word
God wrote down so many signs
Recorded by prophets through time
Foretold so we would believe
Message in The Bible, yeah
(The) Message in The Bible, yeah
20:31 [three one] John wrote, yeah
On Christmas morning (The) Word became flesh and blood
1:14 John's Gospel- watched glory of The Lord
Means we're not alone- Thou didst leave Thy throne
John 3:16- God just gave His kid for our souls
God sent His S-o-n to the world
God sent His S-o-n to the world
I know that no one else saves
I know salvation comes by
Our hope in God's Son for Life
Romans 10:9 Paul told (how)
All sins have been paid (in) full, yeah
Message in The Bible, yeah
Christmas- birth of our Hope, yeah
Sending out J-E-S-U-S
Sending down J-E-S-U-S
Sending out J-E-S-U-S
Sending down J-E-S-U-S
Sending out J-E-S-U-S
Sending down J-E-S-U-S
(repeat many times)
(See Exodus 20:25 NLT for the origin of the blog title.) "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for The King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." (Psalms 45:1) [If the last part of that verse is true for me, it's only because of Jesus in me. He's my only good. I am nothing without Him. He must increase and I must decrease.] "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14)
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
The Facts of Life and What to Do with Them (song)
Just a quick one here- I wrote this one pretty quickly for fun one day- and it's based on some of my favorite Bible verses. And yes- these are the facts of life that Christ taught us. :-)
"The Facts of Life and What to Do With Them"
(parody of "The Facts of Life" theme song by Alan Thicke, Gloria Loring and Al Burton; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 11/18/2014)
(1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 and John 14:6)
You take the good, discard the bad- You test 'em both and there you have- 1 Thess. 5: 21 line....
In next line we're taught avoid evil- We're growing-
now we know about the facts of life (from) the Word of Christ.
Well, the world always schemes- so be living up to His creed.
And suddenly, you're finding out the facts of life are all about Truth (all about Truth)- Truth! (All about Truth!)
We've only got One Way, Truth, Life- I've determined He's Jesus Christ! (Learning from 14 John) Learning the Word of Christ (Learning the Word of Christ) and learning the facts of Life!
"The Facts of Life and What to Do With Them"
(parody of "The Facts of Life" theme song by Alan Thicke, Gloria Loring and Al Burton; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 11/18/2014)
(1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 and John 14:6)
You take the good, discard the bad- You test 'em both and there you have- 1 Thess. 5: 21 line....
In next line we're taught avoid evil- We're growing-
now we know about the facts of life (from) the Word of Christ.
Well, the world always schemes- so be living up to His creed.
And suddenly, you're finding out the facts of life are all about Truth (all about Truth)- Truth! (All about Truth!)
We've only got One Way, Truth, Life- I've determined He's Jesus Christ! (Learning from 14 John) Learning the Word of Christ (Learning the Word of Christ) and learning the facts of Life!
Friday, December 5, 2014
Do Not Harden Your Heart (song)
After just posting a piece talking about music that honors God, I thought it would be appropriate to follow up with music that I surely hope honors God. That is always my intention in all my writings and everything in life, of course- it's at the heart of all I strive to do. And as God instructs us in the Old and New Testaments, we must not let our hearts harden, but rather keep them softened and pliable towards The Lord. When we start compromising and allowing sin into our lives, we make it easier and easier for our hearts to harden to what we know is right and wrong. As God said a number of times in The Bible, we must not let ourselves turn either to the right or the left- not even a quarter of the way to either direction- but instead stay steady on the straight and narrow path God has called us to walk. And this walk is not a walk in the park and not a flash in the pan. Sometimes it feels like it moves like The Flash though- but it's gonna pan out in the end because it's Christ who is working in and through us. (Galatians 2:20) Let's keep our eyes fixed on Him and our hearts softened to His voice as He leads us on.
"Do Not Harden Your Heart"
(parody of "Harden My Heart" by Quarterflash; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/31/2014)
(Exodus 17:1-7, Numbers 11, Numbers 14, Numbers 16, Numbers 20, Deuteronomy 9, Deuteronomy 15:7, Psalms 95, Hebrews 3-4, 1 Samuel 6:6, Psalms 81:7, Psalms 106:32-33, Habakkuk 2:4, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 11:1-6)
Whining for some water
Exodus 17
At Meribah and
Massah- we're in sin
We're testing The Lord
And quarreling too, you guys
Drawing from a rock a stream
Moe hit the rock and it flowed (ohh ohh)
Saw the sign from God but ohh!
I'm gonna harden my heart
I'm gonna wallow in fears
I'm gonna spurn and grieve God here
All of our gripes-
We've been faithless with disdain
We've been walking by our feelings
(But) the righteous live by faith
Our leader Moses
Keeps bringing God appeals
Drawing from a rock a stream
In Numbers 20 also ohh-ohh
But this time, Moe lost his cool
Again, we hardened our hearts
Moe didn't follow God here
He lost his turn at Canaan there
(Instrumental Interlude)
Quarreling- our recurring theme
The desert tried our souls
And that's why God let us know
So do not harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
So go and turn to Psalms 95
Don't go and harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
Don't go and harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
Harken your heart
And choose to follow God right
Hebrews 3 and 4
Harken your heart
And let God soften your heart
If today His voice you hear
Then do not harden your heart
And don't get swallowed like Korah
Harken your heart
And choose to follow God near
But do not harden your heart
"Do Not Harden Your Heart"
(parody of "Harden My Heart" by Quarterflash; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/31/2014)
(Exodus 17:1-7, Numbers 11, Numbers 14, Numbers 16, Numbers 20, Deuteronomy 9, Deuteronomy 15:7, Psalms 95, Hebrews 3-4, 1 Samuel 6:6, Psalms 81:7, Psalms 106:32-33, Habakkuk 2:4, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 11:1-6)
Whining for some water
Exodus 17
At Meribah and
Massah- we're in sin
We're testing The Lord
And quarreling too, you guys
Drawing from a rock a stream
Moe hit the rock and it flowed (ohh ohh)
Saw the sign from God but ohh!
I'm gonna harden my heart
I'm gonna wallow in fears
I'm gonna spurn and grieve God here
All of our gripes-
We've been faithless with disdain
We've been walking by our feelings
(But) the righteous live by faith
Our leader Moses
Keeps bringing God appeals
Drawing from a rock a stream
In Numbers 20 also ohh-ohh
But this time, Moe lost his cool
Again, we hardened our hearts
Moe didn't follow God here
He lost his turn at Canaan there
(Instrumental Interlude)
Quarreling- our recurring theme
The desert tried our souls
And that's why God let us know
So do not harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
So go and turn to Psalms 95
Don't go and harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
Don't go and harden your heart
You need to swallow your pride
Harken your heart
And choose to follow God right
Hebrews 3 and 4
Harken your heart
And let God soften your heart
If today His voice you hear
Then do not harden your heart
And don't get swallowed like Korah
Harken your heart
And choose to follow God near
But do not harden your heart
What Music Honors God?
[Note: Another addition from the archives on a topic that still continues to be a hot topic of contention for some churches and Christians at times. And I'm a big fan of music in general and so I wanted to repost this one particularly. I may do a follow-up piece at some point about Christian music in general and some of my thoughts on that. Enjoy and rock (or Gregorian chant) on- for Jesus! :-)]
Okay- whoa! I ran across this video on Youtube.
(Now to be fair, this is a 10 minute video that's edited down from a 45 minute sermon- so apparently all the Scriptural references are somewhere in those other 35 minutes...)
But this was interesting to watch. I have experienced many styles of worship at churches, especially considering the church I grew up going to (good old Chaguanas Evangelical Bible Church in Trinidad [http://cebctt.com/])- the one I was at for most of my teen years (http://web.archive.org/web/20070502183429/http://www.pelionbaptist.com/)- and the "megachurch" Newspring (www.newspring.cc) that I went to for a while and my current church, which offers a blend of classic and contemporary styles. (www.brushycreek.org)
I don't agree with the views in the video- because I think it's most important that your heart is truly worshipping Jesus and I don't think He really cares what kind of music you're playing- (and you know He must be God if He can stand country music and actually enjoy it when it's praising Him!
Yeah, I'm definitely NOT God. I can stand country music when it's praising God- but enjoy it? ....I don't think so! (lol- I've learned to put up with it a little more over the years- still one of my least favorite styles of music, but there are a few country songs that I like.)
I recently read through a book at the library called "Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement". Very interesting read- written by a guy who was into secular rock music, led worship at a church that did a lot of contemporary Christian music- and is now at a very traditional church that only uses traditional music- i.e. hymns.
Anyway, I guess this is to say that I've been to both ends of the spectrum to some degree. I've been at churches that stick closely to traditional hymns (and by the way- "And Can It Be?" by Charles Wesley still rocks my socks off! :-)) and my current church likes to use more recent worship music (like that great song that goes "And I know that You're alive- You came to fix my broken life- And I will sing to glorify- Your Holy Name- Jesus Christ!" :-))
And I wanted to be fair and listen to the author's points. And the author of the book at least, does have some valid points. He does bring out 1 Thessalonians 5:22 "Avoid every kind of evil." - Absolutely! We should definitely do this because we should do everything in The Bible. Of course, if you read the verse right before that it says this - "Test everything. Hold on to the good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
I guess I grew up as a kid singing hymns in church, along with worship choruses (like Rich Mullins' "Awesome God", "What a Mighty God We Serve", "Seek Ye First", and lots of others you probably don't know for geographic reasons ...)
Of course, as a kid we also sang the hymns A LOT faster than the way they're sung in some of the churches I've been to in the USA.
What I don't get is where these guys see that The Bible ever says rock and roll is evil? I've yet to find that verse. (And not to brag, but I have read them all at least twice- working on the third go round now....)
Who decided what was God's style of music?
I think the heart of worship is WAY more important to God than the style of music. This is the same reason God doesn't care if you sing like a nightingale or crow like a...well, crow. The important thing is not so much how pretty your voice sounds- but how pretty your heart looks. If you're truly worshipping God, I really don't think He cares beans about what style of music you're using. I mean, this is the God who created like a gazillion kinds of bugs! He made people different shades of skin. I mean, the same style of music (yes, even that beloved country-rap ) does get boring after a while. So I don't personally have any problem with different styles of music- as long as it's truly worshipping God. The lyrics really make the song for me- not the music (though having good fun music you can rock out to is cool too)
Now keep in mind that I fully believe you can sing "How Great Thou Art" every single Sunday and God would never get tired of it. I never get tired of singing it- it ROCKS!!! Because God ROCKS!!!!!
But there's nothing wrong with playing blue's licks! As Larry Norman put it "Why should the devil have all the good music?"
I can also sing "What's In a Name?" by Petra and totally rock out to it- and it definitely praises Jesus- Name above all names!![]()
I think we do need to not be a stumbling block to our brothers and sisters (1 Corinthians 10:32- "Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God")- but at the same time Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 9:22 "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
And then there's the Psalms.
"Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourine and harp." (Psalms 149:3)
"Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and the lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." (Psalms 150)
Note that "Praise Him" is the most frequently repeated phrase here. That's the most important thing. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ- with the Gregorian chants, with the pipe organs, with the baby grand piano, with the acoustic guitar, with the electric guitar, with the harp, with the drums, with the violin, with the flute, with the trumpet, with the tambourine, with your own dancing- and most importantly with your life! Praise God with everything you've got!
If hymns are reaching people and bringing them to salvation in Christ- AWESOME! If Gregorian chants are reaching people and bringing them to salvation in Christ-AWESOME! If rock and roll is reaching people and bringing them to Christ-AWESOME!
Because ultimately it really doesn't matter what music you use or if you use any at all. The Holy Spirit is what draws people to Jesus and brings them to salvation. Not the music, the pews, carpet, pastor's preaching or anything else. Just the Holy Spirit. We get the awesome privilege of being His tools to witness for Him - and when we just share the Good News that Jesus Christ loves you to death- (literally on His part- but don't worry- He rose again! Talk about a love that really reaches from beyond the grave! ) then that's all that matters. The Holy Spirit uses us and helps us get the right words out and brings people to salvation. And we see that everything is about God- and we are used by Him for His purposes if we're open to Him.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Okay- whoa! I ran across this video on Youtube.
(Now to be fair, this is a 10 minute video that's edited down from a 45 minute sermon- so apparently all the Scriptural references are somewhere in those other 35 minutes...)
But this was interesting to watch. I have experienced many styles of worship at churches, especially considering the church I grew up going to (good old Chaguanas Evangelical Bible Church in Trinidad [http://cebctt.com/])- the one I was at for most of my teen years (http://web.archive.org/web/20070502183429/http://www.pelionbaptist.com/)- and the "megachurch" Newspring (www.newspring.cc) that I went to for a while and my current church, which offers a blend of classic and contemporary styles. (www.brushycreek.org)
I don't agree with the views in the video- because I think it's most important that your heart is truly worshipping Jesus and I don't think He really cares what kind of music you're playing- (and you know He must be God if He can stand country music and actually enjoy it when it's praising Him!
Yeah, I'm definitely NOT God. I can stand country music when it's praising God- but enjoy it? ....I don't think so! (lol- I've learned to put up with it a little more over the years- still one of my least favorite styles of music, but there are a few country songs that I like.)
I recently read through a book at the library called "Why I Left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement". Very interesting read- written by a guy who was into secular rock music, led worship at a church that did a lot of contemporary Christian music- and is now at a very traditional church that only uses traditional music- i.e. hymns.
Anyway, I guess this is to say that I've been to both ends of the spectrum to some degree. I've been at churches that stick closely to traditional hymns (and by the way- "And Can It Be?" by Charles Wesley still rocks my socks off! :-)) and my current church likes to use more recent worship music (like that great song that goes "And I know that You're alive- You came to fix my broken life- And I will sing to glorify- Your Holy Name- Jesus Christ!" :-))
And I wanted to be fair and listen to the author's points. And the author of the book at least, does have some valid points. He does bring out 1 Thessalonians 5:22 "Avoid every kind of evil." - Absolutely! We should definitely do this because we should do everything in The Bible. Of course, if you read the verse right before that it says this - "Test everything. Hold on to the good." (1 Thessalonians 5:21)
I guess I grew up as a kid singing hymns in church, along with worship choruses (like Rich Mullins' "Awesome God", "What a Mighty God We Serve", "Seek Ye First", and lots of others you probably don't know for geographic reasons ...)
Of course, as a kid we also sang the hymns A LOT faster than the way they're sung in some of the churches I've been to in the USA.
What I don't get is where these guys see that The Bible ever says rock and roll is evil? I've yet to find that verse. (And not to brag, but I have read them all at least twice- working on the third go round now....)
Who decided what was God's style of music?
I think the heart of worship is WAY more important to God than the style of music. This is the same reason God doesn't care if you sing like a nightingale or crow like a...well, crow. The important thing is not so much how pretty your voice sounds- but how pretty your heart looks. If you're truly worshipping God, I really don't think He cares beans about what style of music you're using. I mean, this is the God who created like a gazillion kinds of bugs! He made people different shades of skin. I mean, the same style of music (yes, even that beloved country-rap ) does get boring after a while. So I don't personally have any problem with different styles of music- as long as it's truly worshipping God. The lyrics really make the song for me- not the music (though having good fun music you can rock out to is cool too)
Now keep in mind that I fully believe you can sing "How Great Thou Art" every single Sunday and God would never get tired of it. I never get tired of singing it- it ROCKS!!! Because God ROCKS!!!!!
But there's nothing wrong with playing blue's licks! As Larry Norman put it "Why should the devil have all the good music?"
I can also sing "What's In a Name?" by Petra and totally rock out to it- and it definitely praises Jesus- Name above all names!
I think we do need to not be a stumbling block to our brothers and sisters (1 Corinthians 10:32- "Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God")- but at the same time Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 9:22 "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some."
And then there's the Psalms.
"Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with tambourine and harp." (Psalms 149:3)
"Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty heavens. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness. Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and the lyre, praise Him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." (Psalms 150)
Note that "Praise Him" is the most frequently repeated phrase here. That's the most important thing. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ- with the Gregorian chants, with the pipe organs, with the baby grand piano, with the acoustic guitar, with the electric guitar, with the harp, with the drums, with the violin, with the flute, with the trumpet, with the tambourine, with your own dancing- and most importantly with your life! Praise God with everything you've got!
If hymns are reaching people and bringing them to salvation in Christ- AWESOME! If Gregorian chants are reaching people and bringing them to salvation in Christ-AWESOME! If rock and roll is reaching people and bringing them to Christ-AWESOME!
Because ultimately it really doesn't matter what music you use or if you use any at all. The Holy Spirit is what draws people to Jesus and brings them to salvation. Not the music, the pews, carpet, pastor's preaching or anything else. Just the Holy Spirit. We get the awesome privilege of being His tools to witness for Him - and when we just share the Good News that Jesus Christ loves you to death- (literally on His part- but don't worry- He rose again! Talk about a love that really reaches from beyond the grave! ) then that's all that matters. The Holy Spirit uses us and helps us get the right words out and brings people to salvation. And we see that everything is about God- and we are used by Him for His purposes if we're open to Him.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31)
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