Psalms 126:6 says that those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. I hope this parody song that's hauling oates will bear some seeds for sowing and see sheaves brought about that I and those who let the seed of God's Word grow in them will all come Home with shouts of joy! :-) And this is definitely a song of joy as, though it starts on a dour note, the sour taste of death sweetens into a triumph of life and life eternal over death. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? Jesus has conquered you forever and He's gone from that tomb! And because He lives, we can live also. :-)
"He's Gone" (parody of "She's Gone" by Hall & Oates; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 12/11/2016)
(Matthew 26-28, Mark 14-16, Luke 22-24, John 13-21, (particularly John 20), Romans 10:13, Romans 6:1-11, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Corinthians 6:14)
Everybody's crying- needs consolation
Son of God's dying to save me
But The Christ must bleed, yeah
Receives a drink and He yields His spirit
Now we're scattered sheep, ooh, what will be?
Chorus 1:
He's gone, He's gone
Oh, why?
Oh, why?
I better learn how to face it
He's gone, He's gone
Oh, why?
Oh, why?
I'd say the devil's celebrating
He's gone, He's gone
Oh, why?
What went wrong?
Get up Sunday morning- look in on Saviour
Empty tomb- just linen- Mary's sad
About face and thinking it's the gardener
Woman, why do you weep?
Lord's taken away from me
Chorus 2:
He's gone, He's gone
Oh, why?
Oh, why?
She said, "Sir, where have you laid Him?"
In John, in John
20- Rabboni!
You see, the devil only bruised Him
Praise God! Praise God!
He's alive!
God has won!
Now I'll spend eternity in the Heavenlies
'Cause the cross of the Crucified took my wrongs away
And anybody that will call His Name is saved
Grave- where's your victory? 'Cause Jesus' gone from thee!
Chorus 3:
He's gone! He's gone!
The Christ did rise!
And in our turn, He will raise us!
He's God! He's God!
The Lord Jesus Christ!
One day the devil's gonna say it
Then he's gone
And we're gone
With Christ
In Heaven!
(Repeat Chorus 3)
(See Exodus 20:25 NLT for the origin of the blog title.) "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for The King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." (Psalms 45:1) [If the last part of that verse is true for me, it's only because of Jesus in me. He's my only good. I am nothing without Him. He must increase and I must decrease.] "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14)
Sunday, April 16, 2017
He's Gone (song)
eternal life,
God The Father,
God The Holy Spirit,
God The Son Jesus Christ,
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Hosanna (song)
Note: Here is another entry from the archives, just barely in time for Palm Sunday, depending on what part of the world you're in. :-) And I just thought it might be worth noting- I wrote this song back in 2009 or so and then about 2 years later, I heard ApologetiX release their own take on this same song with the same parody title. (And theirs is a great version too, of course!) But just for the record- I wrote this before I ever heard their version. And if you haven't heard this group- go check them out!
This is a classic early 1980s song. This is a song of praise to Jesus, describing the reaction of one who greeted Him at His triumphal entry on Palm Sunday. God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die for us and rise again! I can never get over God's love for us! It's so amazing! :-) Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise! Enjoy this musical account of the events of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem- how quickly the crowds went from shouts of praise to shouts of "Crucify!" Thankfully, the story continues past there. Like Toto and Dorothy got home at the end of the story, Jesus made it back from the grave so that He could one day take us all Home in the end!
(Note: "bg vocal" just means "background vocal")
"Hosanna" (parody of "Rosanna" by Toto; copyright by Nathan Ludwick circa March 2009)
(Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12, Psalms 84, James 1:17, Luke 6:23)
All I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is feel alive!
Hosanna, Hosanna
I never thought that a God like You could ever care for me- Hosanna
All I wanna do in the middle of the evening- behold Your might!
Hosanna, Hosanna
I didn't know You were looking to be all I could ever need!
Chorus 1:
Not quite a cheer since it meant "Lord, save"- Hosanna, yeah!
Twenty-one Matthew has to say:
Greet You on the way- Greet You Palm Sunday-Hosanna, yeah!
He comes in the Name- Greet You, Son of Dave- Hosanna, yeah!
I can see God's grace still riding through Jerusalem on a donkey's hide
Hosanna, Hosanna
I didn't know that a God like you would take a humble ride- Hosanna!
All I have will praise You- now You'll never ever have to bleed stones dry
Hosanna, Hosanna
11 Mark, 19 in Luke and 12 John- so rad!
(Repeat Chorus 1)
(Instrumental break)
Chorus 2:
Not quite a cheer since it meant "Lord, save"- Hosanna, yeah!
Now read on and I have to say:
Read through all of James (Yeah!)- One, one seven (1:17) says- Hosanna, yeah
He gives all good things (Hoo!)-Give Him all the praise-Hosanna, yeah!
Read Luke 6 today- Twenty-three- it's a Bonanza, yeah!
Leap pews- Jesus saves! Need You all my days- Hosanna, yeah!
This is a classic early 1980s song. This is a song of praise to Jesus, describing the reaction of one who greeted Him at His triumphal entry on Palm Sunday. God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die for us and rise again! I can never get over God's love for us! It's so amazing! :-) Jesus Christ is worthy of all praise! Enjoy this musical account of the events of Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem- how quickly the crowds went from shouts of praise to shouts of "Crucify!" Thankfully, the story continues past there. Like Toto and Dorothy got home at the end of the story, Jesus made it back from the grave so that He could one day take us all Home in the end!
(Note: "bg vocal" just means "background vocal")
"Hosanna" (parody of "Rosanna" by Toto; copyright by Nathan Ludwick circa March 2009)
(Matthew 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12, Psalms 84, James 1:17, Luke 6:23)
All I wanna do when I wake up in the morning is feel alive!
Hosanna, Hosanna
I never thought that a God like You could ever care for me- Hosanna
All I wanna do in the middle of the evening- behold Your might!
Hosanna, Hosanna
I didn't know You were looking to be all I could ever need!
Chorus 1:
Not quite a cheer since it meant "Lord, save"- Hosanna, yeah!
Twenty-one Matthew has to say:
Greet You on the way- Greet You Palm Sunday-Hosanna, yeah!
He comes in the Name- Greet You, Son of Dave- Hosanna, yeah!
I can see God's grace still riding through Jerusalem on a donkey's hide
Hosanna, Hosanna
I didn't know that a God like you would take a humble ride- Hosanna!
All I have will praise You- now You'll never ever have to bleed stones dry
Hosanna, Hosanna
11 Mark, 19 in Luke and 12 John- so rad!
(Repeat Chorus 1)
(Instrumental break)
Chorus 2:
Not quite a cheer since it meant "Lord, save"- Hosanna, yeah!
Now read on and I have to say:
Read through all of James (Yeah!)- One, one seven (1:17) says- Hosanna, yeah
He gives all good things (Hoo!)-Give Him all the praise-Hosanna, yeah!
Read Luke 6 today- Twenty-three- it's a Bonanza, yeah!
Leap pews- Jesus saves! Need You all my days- Hosanna, yeah!
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Sweet Ol' King James (1611 mix) (song)
This song felt appropriate to post around April Fool's Day, even though I'm a day off. (April Fool's! Not that being late in posting something counts as much of a joke.) And even though I do treat this song in something of a joking manner, I do want to make clear that I don't mean it with any disrespect. The reason I feel that this kind of song is almost, dare I say, Taylor-made for this holiday, is because it's a parody of a song by a guy called James singing about another James- and my version sings about yet another James- King James. Some Christians feel very strongly about his Bible translation and hold to it to the point of excluding any other translation- to the point of even denouncing other translations as demonic works of some sort because they don't render God's Word exactly as the good ol' Textus Receptus. I just find the argumentation to be ridiculous at times because it's only divisive to the church. Sometimes we have to just agree to disagree agreeably.
2 Timothy 3:16 says that all of Scripture is God-breathed and it's useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. And I believe all the translations of The Holy Bible are useful for the same purposes as well. In 1 Corinthians 1, the issue is raised about some following Paul, and some Apollos, and some Cephas (i.e. Peter) and still others saying, "I follow Christ." I think that's the important thing to remember- we who follow Christ above all else need to love each other and serve as one united body of believers in Christ, just like Jesus prayed in John 17- and as yet another James wrote about, by the Holy Spirit's guidance. (see James 3)
So whether you dig the New Living Translation or you're down with the New International Version or the North American Standard Bible or the English Standard Version- or you're rocking out with 1611 King James Version- come together as one in Christ and let's seek to love each other above all. After all, Jesus said the most important commands for us- "Thou shalt love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength and love thy neighbor as thyself."
"Sweet Ol' King James (1611 mix)" (parody of "Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 1/29/2017)
(Proverbs 30:5-6, Psalms 119:89-90, Psalms 119:96-97, Psalms 119:160, Romans 13:8-14, 1 Corinthians 9:15-23, Psalms 18:30, Matthew 18:15-20, Matthew 5:38-42, Matthew 5:9-15, Matthew 7:1-6, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, John 15:12, James 1:19-20, Hebrews 12:14, Psalms 133, Philippians 1:15-18, James 3, John 17, Mark 9:38-41, Luke 9:49-50, 2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 9:55 (in the footnotes), Romans 14, Romans 12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 3, 1 Corinthians 14:20, Galatians 5, Ephesians 2:18-22, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4:8, John 15:8, John 13:34-35, Titus 3:1-11,1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Colossians 3:11-17, 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, 1 Corinthians 1, 1 Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2 Corinthians 10:7)
There was this one Calvinist, in England he reigned
He ordered a Bible- KJV-only folks champion
He spoke in the natural good King's English canon
Writing for commoners, translators arranged
Erasmus dude's write-up assists all the scribes there
52 top men- about 7 years
In 1609, then the whole thing's reviewed there
The chief one of all, Rich Bancroft- overseer
And then came 400 odd years
Chorus 1
Goodbye, all you new translations
Rocking out (with) sweet ol' King James
"Thees", "thous", "verilys" too- vernacular I use
Won't just let you read out of NIV
I'm rocking out 1611 James
Now there're verses you remember because of the flow
Jesus spoke just like in Cambridge sixteen oughts then (i.e. 1600s)
His birth, prayer, baptism- we recount like that James king
It's been filed inside thee- 'cause the Western mores did mold
Philippians 1:18- well, we praise when Lord Christ's preached
They're wrong if using NASB (or) ESV(?)
It's wrong 'cause they leave off verses most others can't find(?)
They're included in footnotes? If it helps you to read-
Olde English works just fine for me
Chorus 2
So, goodbye, all you new translations
What about wisdom?- 3 James
133 in Psalms- united brothers- How cool!
Can't we just please agree to disagree?
Be unified like Jesus prayed
2 Timothy 3:16 says that all of Scripture is God-breathed and it's useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. And I believe all the translations of The Holy Bible are useful for the same purposes as well. In 1 Corinthians 1, the issue is raised about some following Paul, and some Apollos, and some Cephas (i.e. Peter) and still others saying, "I follow Christ." I think that's the important thing to remember- we who follow Christ above all else need to love each other and serve as one united body of believers in Christ, just like Jesus prayed in John 17- and as yet another James wrote about, by the Holy Spirit's guidance. (see James 3)
So whether you dig the New Living Translation or you're down with the New International Version or the North American Standard Bible or the English Standard Version- or you're rocking out with 1611 King James Version- come together as one in Christ and let's seek to love each other above all. After all, Jesus said the most important commands for us- "Thou shalt love The Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and strength and love thy neighbor as thyself."
"Sweet Ol' King James (1611 mix)" (parody of "Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 1/29/2017)
(Proverbs 30:5-6, Psalms 119:89-90, Psalms 119:96-97, Psalms 119:160, Romans 13:8-14, 1 Corinthians 9:15-23, Psalms 18:30, Matthew 18:15-20, Matthew 5:38-42, Matthew 5:9-15, Matthew 7:1-6, Matthew 7:12, Luke 6:31, John 15:12, James 1:19-20, Hebrews 12:14, Psalms 133, Philippians 1:15-18, James 3, John 17, Mark 9:38-41, Luke 9:49-50, 2 Timothy 3:16, Luke 9:55 (in the footnotes), Romans 14, Romans 12:9-21, 1 Corinthians 3, 1 Corinthians 14:20, Galatians 5, Ephesians 2:18-22, Ephesians 4, 1 Peter 4:8, John 15:8, John 13:34-35, Titus 3:1-11,1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Colossians 3:11-17, 1 Corinthians 10:23-33, 1 Corinthians 1, 1 Corinthians 8, 1 Corinthians 11:1, 2 Corinthians 10:7)
There was this one Calvinist, in England he reigned
He ordered a Bible- KJV-only folks champion
He spoke in the natural good King's English canon
Writing for commoners, translators arranged
Erasmus dude's write-up assists all the scribes there
52 top men- about 7 years
In 1609, then the whole thing's reviewed there
The chief one of all, Rich Bancroft- overseer
And then came 400 odd years
Chorus 1
Goodbye, all you new translations
Rocking out (with) sweet ol' King James
"Thees", "thous", "verilys" too- vernacular I use
Won't just let you read out of NIV
I'm rocking out 1611 James
Now there're verses you remember because of the flow
Jesus spoke just like in Cambridge sixteen oughts then (i.e. 1600s)
His birth, prayer, baptism- we recount like that James king
It's been filed inside thee- 'cause the Western mores did mold
Philippians 1:18- well, we praise when Lord Christ's preached
They're wrong if using NASB (or) ESV(?)
It's wrong 'cause they leave off verses most others can't find(?)
They're included in footnotes? If it helps you to read-
Olde English works just fine for me
Chorus 2
So, goodbye, all you new translations
What about wisdom?- 3 James
133 in Psalms- united brothers- How cool!
Can't we just please agree to disagree?
Be unified like Jesus prayed
God The Father,
God The Holy Spirit,
God The Son Jesus Christ,
Holy Bible,
King James,
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