It can never be overstated how much salvation is all the free gift of God. While I do believe there is a call upon humanity to respond to the offer He's made, it's important to note that even that response is something The Holy Spirit evokes as a result of The Father drawing us to The Son as He is lifted up. We contribute absolutely nothing to our salvation in the way of works. Sometimes this can become a mighty, mighty stumbling stone, boss- but it's something we must accept. And that is a very good thing indeed because none of us are good enough on our own strength to make it to Heaven. God says the requirement for entry is perfection (Matthew 5:48) and only Jesus has met that. He died and rose to pay for our sins. There's no need to scavenge about to scrape up good deeds to earn anything from God because we can't do enough. We never have to knock on wood because The Saviour got on wood for us- we just have to receive by faith the salvation that we get.
"The Salvation That We Get"
(Parody of "The Impression That I Get" by The Mighty, Mighty Bosstones; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 5/7/2019)
(John 3:16-17, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Psalms 14, Psalms 53, Psalms 130, Matthew 5:48, Leviticus 11:45, Romans 3 (particularly verse 23), Romans 6, Romans 5:1-11, 1 Corinthians 10:12, 2 Peter 3, Isaiah 2:22, Isaiah 64:6, Isaiah 53:6, Hebrews 12)
Have you ever friend zoned a (child) prodigy?
Wanda chose that fork- Doog's sad
Have you ever felt they're vain (and) infallible?
Hey, Vinnie- how do you match? Oh!
Well, they've never actually walked on water
But I know Someone who has
Which makes Him One above the rest
It means He's the One Direction
Everyone else- not so good
And I'm glad for Romans 5 and 6
Because though we're all nothing good
Justification is God's gift
Tall you may now stand but God's stacked up so high
Your puny strength won't pass the test
Or as Leviticus 11:45
You've got to be like our God- perfect! Yo!
Well, I measure up as not so good
And I know everyone is bad
It makes me wonder how we could
Put faith in blundering I-
There's the bad news- no one's good
And I'm sad some haven't read
Psalms- 53rd.- there is none good
With one Exception- God Jesus!
If God was counting our sins, no one would be standing
I'd like to thank The Lord Jesus He holds fast
Look at the text- 2 Peter 3- grow in grace of Christ
Might think you tower
Be afraid of that- you might fall down
(I've) never had to knock on wood
'Cause I know Romans 5 says
(By) His grace I stand here 'cause He's good
Amazing wonderful grace- (I'm) ever bad so God's my good
(In) resisting bad, I haven't bled
But rest assured He has withstood
The crucifixion I should get
Never sinned but our Saviour got on wood
'Cause you know Son of God Jesus
Replaced me on the cross of wood
He took my sin there and I'm reconciled through what the Saviour accomplished good
To restore us back to good
(He) took all bad and conquered death
That's the salvation that we get!
(See Exodus 20:25 NLT for the origin of the blog title.) "My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for The King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer." (Psalms 45:1) [If the last part of that verse is true for me, it's only because of Jesus in me. He's my only good. I am nothing without Him. He must increase and I must decrease.] "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalms 19:14)
Friday, July 24, 2020
I Trust Myself (song)
It's been said that if we're always looking down on others, we can't see what's above us. This is the original sin that continues to plague humanity- proud eyes that won't look up for help. Even before the disobedience of man in Eden, Lucifer's pride got him kicked out of Heaven. It's only when we can recognize that we're not self-sufficient that we can in humility reach out to God as He's already reaching out to us in Christ. The final solution for sin was given after years of scapegoats that covered sin; instead God sent a Lamb to take away sin through His death and Resurrection. And like the Pharisee and tax collector learned in Luke 18, it's the one humble before God who went away justified. May we all be willing to fall on our faces before Him, beating our breasts begging for His mercy because we are sinners. He is always gracious to us to grant forgiveness when we humbly ask for it. We all need His help.
"I Trust Myself"
(parody of "I Touch Myself" by Divinyls; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 3/13/2019)
(Romans 10:9-13, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7, Proverbs 16:18, Luke 18:9-14, Proverbs 14:12, Romans 3, Proverbs 6:16-19, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Deuteronomy 30:15-20)
Well, God Himself- He wants us to love Him
If I'm real now- I know He's above me
I search for help- I want Him to find me
But forget all that- Don't want you to remind me
Chorus 1:
I don't want anybody's help
All I think, say or do- I trust myself
Ooh, I don't need anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no
I'm the one who's made my own fortune
Favourite son- the nation's pride
Ascended how? By my bootstraps, then
I'm always self-reliant ('k)
I close my eyes- won't see Truth before me
Rather would die than choose Life that's before me
"A fool believes there's no God" - I ignore You
I'd get down on my knees if You'd send The Way to see You
(Repeat Chorus 1)
I love myself- I want folks to love me
When I look down, I can't see above me
In church with bells, all income I'm tithing
I fast as well- I thank God I'm not like thieves
Adulterers, unGodly evil
Well, I think I've got virtue- I trust myself!
Ooh- I'll tell God I'm righteous by myself
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
18 Luke
IRS agent by myself
Would not link eyes with You- I judge myself
To - ooh be- ee ah ah sin-ner ah!
I so want Holy God's help
When I think of bad I do- I beat my breasts!
Ooh, You're rich in mercy, God- please help!
Confessed humbly to You- I'm justified
-Exalt myself (Background vocals: I don't need)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Anybody else)
Humbled instead (BGV: 1st. Cor. chapter 10:12)
So watch your step
Humble myself (BGV: I so want)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Holy God's help)
Exalted instead (BGV: I'm nothing without You)
-It's honestly true!
-Exalt myself (Background vocals: I don't need)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Anybody's help)
Humbled instead (BGV: 1st. Cor. chapter 10:12)
-It's honestly true!
Humble myself
Adjust that shelf
Exalted instead
"I Trust Myself"
(parody of "I Touch Myself" by Divinyls; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 3/13/2019)
(Romans 10:9-13, Luke 6:46, Matthew 7, Proverbs 16:18, Luke 18:9-14, Proverbs 14:12, Romans 3, Proverbs 6:16-19, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Deuteronomy 30:15-20)
Well, God Himself- He wants us to love Him
If I'm real now- I know He's above me
I search for help- I want Him to find me
But forget all that- Don't want you to remind me
Chorus 1:
I don't want anybody's help
All I think, say or do- I trust myself
Ooh, I don't need anybody else
Oh no, oh no, oh no
I'm the one who's made my own fortune
Favourite son- the nation's pride
Ascended how? By my bootstraps, then
I'm always self-reliant ('k)
I close my eyes- won't see Truth before me
Rather would die than choose Life that's before me
"A fool believes there's no God" - I ignore You
I'd get down on my knees if You'd send The Way to see You
(Repeat Chorus 1)
I love myself- I want folks to love me
When I look down, I can't see above me
In church with bells, all income I'm tithing
I fast as well- I thank God I'm not like thieves
Adulterers, unGodly evil
Well, I think I've got virtue- I trust myself!
Ooh- I'll tell God I'm righteous by myself
Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
18 Luke
IRS agent by myself
Would not link eyes with You- I judge myself
To - ooh be- ee ah ah sin-ner ah!
I so want Holy God's help
When I think of bad I do- I beat my breasts!
Ooh, You're rich in mercy, God- please help!
Confessed humbly to You- I'm justified
-Exalt myself (Background vocals: I don't need)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Anybody else)
Humbled instead (BGV: 1st. Cor. chapter 10:12)
So watch your step
Humble myself (BGV: I so want)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Holy God's help)
Exalted instead (BGV: I'm nothing without You)
-It's honestly true!
-Exalt myself (Background vocals: I don't need)
Adjust that shelf (BGV: Anybody's help)
Humbled instead (BGV: 1st. Cor. chapter 10:12)
-It's honestly true!
Humble myself
Adjust that shelf
Exalted instead
God The Father,
God The Holy Spirit,
God The Son Jesus Christ,
parody song,
tax collector
Monday, July 6, 2020
Urkel's Brain (song)
I love Jesus first and foremost. I also enjoy a lot of classic television shows, particularly ones that remind me of Jesus. I can hardly think of a more Christlike character on television than Steve Urkel on "Family Matters". There is even an episode where Steve gets saved and gives his heart to The Lord! Of course, while that always brings a revolution in one's heart- and surely it did for Steve- he was still the prince of the geeks and nerds to so many. I can identify as one who's been called Urkel myself (and Irwin "Skippy" Handleman from "Family Ties", for that matter). I take both as compliments. Steve certainly had confidence and determination and I can definitely respect that. Laura came to respect it too eventually as she was finally won over by Urkel's charm, personality, morality and certainly brain.
"Urkel's Brain"
(Parody of "Purple Rain" by Prince and The Revolution)
(Parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 6/5/2019)
(Proverbs 13:12)
I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
I only wanted to spend time with (the) Winslow family
I only wanted to woo you
Laura with Steve Urkel's brain
Urkel's brain, Urkel's name
Urkel's brawn, Urkel's charm
Urkel's looks, Urkel's game
I know you want me (to leave you)
Wearing you down- Urkel's staying
All I ever wanted's to be your geek in armor
I always wanted to be more than just friends
Crazy for you! Could I steal you from another?
Don't feel the same? Our friendship never ends
All the same, you're my flame
Girl, you're sayin' Urkel's insane
Girl, I'm prayin' - Ride Love Train
I only want to be with you
Laura Lee, your royal pain
Harriette, Carl, Eddo
Winslow- minds are changing
Richie, Rachel- shout out
Mom Estelle please, missing Judy
You take Stefan or Steve, girl
But though it seems (a) no-brainer, you'll find
Who loves you best- no contest
So yes- did I do that? Steve Urkel's saying
Girl, you're swaying (to) polka playing
(Has) Urkel changed or your heart changed?
Like Waldo and Maxine belong together
And 3J's on hand
Urkel's strange but rearranged
Your whole life- Want to see you
Happy- God blessed me! You'll
Wear Steve Urkel's ring!
Family Matters,
God The Father,
God The Holy Spirit,
God The Son Jesus Christ,
Laura Winslow,
parody song,
Steve Urkel,
Stayin' Outta the Fire (Plan in Motion) (song)
(Note: I'm pulling a few more classics out of the archive. My last post referenced the lines I used in this parody so it only seemed fitting to post this next. I've included my original introduction from 2009 below. Since I had two others that seemed in a similar category of lyric-tweaking that already seemed to be such a good fit to talk about The Lord, I have posted those other two in this post and the previous one.)
And I've got one more '80s classic for you. And this one I've definitely been thinking of after hearing the pastor's sermon today in church. Some of the passion for this one was definitely burning hot like a certain fire that the Laodicean church was called to get going- or remain cold. But lukewarm gets you spat out of God's mouth! This one was another one that was just begging for some God-centered lyrics that would really help put His plan in motion when we follow His plan in The Bible. :-)
"Stayin' Outta the Fire (Plan in Motion)" (parody of "St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)" by John Parr)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/01/09)
(Romans 10:9, 15:20, Psalms 95, Hebrews 12:29, 1 Thessalonians 5:19, 1 Corinthians 3:12-14, Jude 1:22-25, Jeremiah 20:9, Ezekiel 1-2, Acts 2:1-4, Exodus 40:34-38, Revelation 20:14-15, Matthew 3:11-12, Luke 12:49, Matthew 17:20, Philippians 4:13, John 15:5-7, Revelation 3:15-16, Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 6:2, Isaiah 40:28-31, Hebrews 10:19-25, Luke 15, John 3:3 and 3:16, John 14:6, Daniel 5, Philippians 1:6)
Going's tough- You don't see the writing on the wall
Passing by- Knew He'd save you then- you blew it off
But baby, sometime if you call His name
You'll find you're not alone- everything has changed
Stay the same- you know He won't quit on His lost son
Soldier on- only you can do what must be done
You know in some way you're like Six to me
You're just a Prisoner and you're trying to break free
I can see a new hope rising- all I need is faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna heed Your plan in Romans- as I read, I repent and kneel
10:9's where my Savior's Christ- I'm staying outta the fire!
Turning out, don't know just now where that I should go (just now where to go)
Truth be told, go look just a few miles down the road
I will make it- through God I can
He broke the old in me- so He could make (a) new man
I can see a new hope rising all replete by faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna heed Your plan in Romans- in 15:20 there reveals
Take me where witness is lacking- send down Your fire!
I can move the highest mountain- faith of a mustard seed
I can feel the Spirit's fire burning in me, burning in me
Just once in this life a man has to die
When my time comes 'round, I'm covered by Christ!
I can hear the music playing as I read Psalms 95
Kneel before God the King- extol Him on high
Gonna be Your man in motion- as I read Jeremiah's zeal
20:9- my heart's on fire by Consuming Fire!
I can see a new hope rising- all complete by faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna be Your man in motion- like Ezekiel's pairs of wheels
Take me there in 2 verse 5 and send down Your fire!
I can move the highest mountain- faith of a mustard seed
I can feel The Spirit's fire burning in me!
Burning, burning in me, I can feel it burning
Ooh- burning inside of me...
And I've got one more '80s classic for you. And this one I've definitely been thinking of after hearing the pastor's sermon today in church. Some of the passion for this one was definitely burning hot like a certain fire that the Laodicean church was called to get going- or remain cold. But lukewarm gets you spat out of God's mouth! This one was another one that was just begging for some God-centered lyrics that would really help put His plan in motion when we follow His plan in The Bible. :-)
"Stayin' Outta the Fire (Plan in Motion)" (parody of "St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)" by John Parr)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/01/09)
(Romans 10:9, 15:20, Psalms 95, Hebrews 12:29, 1 Thessalonians 5:19, 1 Corinthians 3:12-14, Jude 1:22-25, Jeremiah 20:9, Ezekiel 1-2, Acts 2:1-4, Exodus 40:34-38, Revelation 20:14-15, Matthew 3:11-12, Luke 12:49, Matthew 17:20, Philippians 4:13, John 15:5-7, Revelation 3:15-16, Hebrews 9:27, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 6:2, Isaiah 40:28-31, Hebrews 10:19-25, Luke 15, John 3:3 and 3:16, John 14:6, Daniel 5, Philippians 1:6)
Going's tough- You don't see the writing on the wall
Passing by- Knew He'd save you then- you blew it off
But baby, sometime if you call His name
You'll find you're not alone- everything has changed
Stay the same- you know He won't quit on His lost son
Soldier on- only you can do what must be done
You know in some way you're like Six to me
You're just a Prisoner and you're trying to break free
I can see a new hope rising- all I need is faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna heed Your plan in Romans- as I read, I repent and kneel
10:9's where my Savior's Christ- I'm staying outta the fire!
Turning out, don't know just now where that I should go (just now where to go)
Truth be told, go look just a few miles down the road
I will make it- through God I can
He broke the old in me- so He could make (a) new man
I can see a new hope rising all replete by faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna heed Your plan in Romans- in 15:20 there reveals
Take me where witness is lacking- send down Your fire!
I can move the highest mountain- faith of a mustard seed
I can feel the Spirit's fire burning in me, burning in me
Just once in this life a man has to die
When my time comes 'round, I'm covered by Christ!
I can hear the music playing as I read Psalms 95
Kneel before God the King- extol Him on high
Gonna be Your man in motion- as I read Jeremiah's zeal
20:9- my heart's on fire by Consuming Fire!
I can see a new hope rising- all complete by faith in Christ
I'll be where the eagle's flying higher and higher
Gonna be Your man in motion- like Ezekiel's pairs of wheels
Take me there in 2 verse 5 and send down Your fire!
I can move the highest mountain- faith of a mustard seed
I can feel The Spirit's fire burning in me!
Burning, burning in me, I can feel it burning
Ooh- burning inside of me...
Consuming Fire,
God The Father,
God The Holy Spirit,
God The Son Jesus Christ,
parody song,
Undue Pressure (song)
(Note: I'm pulling a few more classics out of the archive. My last post referenced the lines I used in this parody so it only seemed fitting to post this next. I've included my original introduction from 2009 below. Since I had two others that seemed in a similar category of lyric-tweaking that already seemed to be such a good fit to talk about The Lord, I will post those other two soon too.)
Okay, this one talks about the pressure people put on themselves in trying to live up to God's standards. This is what Martin Luther finally had to learn- no matter what penance we make or what we do trying to measure up- we never can. And we never have to for salvation- God has taken care of it already through Jesus' death and Resurrection. When we put our faith in Him, we are saved by grace and that's all there is to it! Nothing can ever change that! And nothing will ever change His love for us. So don't put undue pressure on yourself- Jesus has done the job. It is finished! :-)
"Undue Pressure" (parody of "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 9/13/2009)
(2 Corinthians 4:3-4, 6:2, Hebrews 10:1-18, Titus 3:4-9, Ephesians 2:8-9, Isaiah 1:18, Deuteronomy 26:12-19, Deuteronomy 28-30, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Matthew 25:1-13, Romans 2:1-4, Romans 10:1-13, Romans 8:1-17, Romans 5:8, John 3:3-16, John 14:6, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 10:32-39, Matthew 25:29-30, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 29:13, 33:3)
Pressure- Deuteronomy
In the Pentateuch- Romans 10:4
And we're measured- that burns up kindling now
Splits a family in two
Means gnashing of teeth
(Well, OK)
It's real terror not knowing what this world is about
Watching some good friends scream, "Help me out"
Take the wrong road- get the fire
Pressure on people in their own strength
Sticking around, take my blame the Cross affords
This is the Way- I never change but ignore
People's own strength- gnashing of teeth
It's real terror not knowing if good works are enough
Watch as five virgins scream, "Open up!"
Faith in God though- just read Titus 3:5 to 9!
Pressure off people and their own strength
Turned away from God's law like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with God but He's so trashed and scorned
Why? Why? Why?
Love (x5)
Our vanity laughs- in 10 Hebrews- get cracking
Can't we give verse 12 one more glance?
We can't pull up by our bootstraps!
Why can't we
(let go, let God) (x4)?
'Cause trust's such an old-fashioned word
And God dares you to call forth and He will send (some) greatness in reply
And God dares you to change today from scarlet to snow- think now
Jesus, our slain Lamb
Death is now past tense
Jesus beat Hell- He's our Savior! - unearned favor- treasure!
Okay, this one talks about the pressure people put on themselves in trying to live up to God's standards. This is what Martin Luther finally had to learn- no matter what penance we make or what we do trying to measure up- we never can. And we never have to for salvation- God has taken care of it already through Jesus' death and Resurrection. When we put our faith in Him, we are saved by grace and that's all there is to it! Nothing can ever change that! And nothing will ever change His love for us. So don't put undue pressure on yourself- Jesus has done the job. It is finished! :-)
"Undue Pressure" (parody of "Under Pressure" by David Bowie and Queen)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 9/13/2009)
(2 Corinthians 4:3-4, 6:2, Hebrews 10:1-18, Titus 3:4-9, Ephesians 2:8-9, Isaiah 1:18, Deuteronomy 26:12-19, Deuteronomy 28-30, 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, Matthew 25:1-13, Romans 2:1-4, Romans 10:1-13, Romans 8:1-17, Romans 5:8, John 3:3-16, John 14:6, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 10:32-39, Matthew 25:29-30, Isaiah 64:6, Jeremiah 29:13, 33:3)
Pressure- Deuteronomy
In the Pentateuch- Romans 10:4
And we're measured- that burns up kindling now
Splits a family in two
Means gnashing of teeth
(Well, OK)
It's real terror not knowing what this world is about
Watching some good friends scream, "Help me out"
Take the wrong road- get the fire
Pressure on people in their own strength
Sticking around, take my blame the Cross affords
This is the Way- I never change but ignore
People's own strength- gnashing of teeth
It's real terror not knowing if good works are enough
Watch as five virgins scream, "Open up!"
Faith in God though- just read Titus 3:5 to 9!
Pressure off people and their own strength
Turned away from God's law like a blind man
Sat on a fence but it don't work
Keep coming up with God but He's so trashed and scorned
Why? Why? Why?
Love (x5)
Our vanity laughs- in 10 Hebrews- get cracking
Can't we give verse 12 one more glance?
We can't pull up by our bootstraps!
Why can't we
(let go, let God) (x4)?
'Cause trust's such an old-fashioned word
And God dares you to call forth and He will send (some) greatness in reply
And God dares you to change today from scarlet to snow- think now
Jesus, our slain Lamb
Death is now past tense
Jesus beat Hell- He's our Savior! - unearned favor- treasure!
Christ in a Nutshell (song)
(Note: I'm pulling a few more classics out of the archive. My last post referenced the lines I used in this parody so it only seemed fitting to post this next. I've included my original introduction from 2009 below. Since I had two others that seemed in a similar category of lyric-tweaking that already seemed to be such a good fit to talk about The Lord, I will post those other two soon too.)
I've been wanting to share a few more parodies I've written recently and they most all deal with some things that have been coming up in church lately actually. And they're all really favorite songs of mine, some of which just struck me as being such a good song already that it would only take a bit of tweaking to bring about a really great song talking about The Lord. So I plunged in to it and God helped me bring the ideas into fruition.
Here's a song that wraps things up nicely and just states really what Christ is about and what our life is about in Him. I loved the second verse so much and it worked so well that I left it mostly intact. Take some time and a sip out of your 70's-style Coke bottle and enjoy. ;-)
"Christ in a Nutshell" (parody of "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/02/09)
(John 3:3, 3:16, 10:10, 14:6, Romans 8:1-2, 10:9, 2 Corinthians 6:2, 2 Peter 3:9)
If I could state Christ in a nutshell,
The first thing that He'd like to do
Is to save every name for eternity- He just can't wait
Just to spend it with you!
Since Christ can make change last forever
His Word conveys this is for you
Get saved and today
Christ will never condemn
8 explains- 1 and 2
But you never seem to think about Christ
You do the things you want to do
But you'll find out
I've looked around enough to know
The only One I want to know is Christ, yes!
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty except for the memory
Of how they were surpassed by You!
(Repeat Chorus)
and fade....
I've been wanting to share a few more parodies I've written recently and they most all deal with some things that have been coming up in church lately actually. And they're all really favorite songs of mine, some of which just struck me as being such a good song already that it would only take a bit of tweaking to bring about a really great song talking about The Lord. So I plunged in to it and God helped me bring the ideas into fruition.
Here's a song that wraps things up nicely and just states really what Christ is about and what our life is about in Him. I loved the second verse so much and it worked so well that I left it mostly intact. Take some time and a sip out of your 70's-style Coke bottle and enjoy. ;-)
"Christ in a Nutshell" (parody of "Time in a Bottle" by Jim Croce)
(parody copyright by Nathan Ludwick 10/02/09)
(John 3:3, 3:16, 10:10, 14:6, Romans 8:1-2, 10:9, 2 Corinthians 6:2, 2 Peter 3:9)
If I could state Christ in a nutshell,
The first thing that He'd like to do
Is to save every name for eternity- He just can't wait
Just to spend it with you!
Since Christ can make change last forever
His Word conveys this is for you
Get saved and today
Christ will never condemn
8 explains- 1 and 2
But you never seem to think about Christ
You do the things you want to do
But you'll find out
I've looked around enough to know
The only One I want to know is Christ, yes!
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty except for the memory
Of how they were surpassed by You!
(Repeat Chorus)
and fade....
Perfection? - Perfect Son
Everyone usually seems to desire the best in everything. We look for perfection and it seems there are two main choices for finding this. Some seem to be convinced it is still locked away within humanity and can be brought to the surface with enough work and innovation. And then others look beyond humanity to anything and everything else.
But they never seem to think about Christ- they do the things they wanna do, but they'll find out. I've looked around enough to know the only One I wanna know is Christ, yes. He is perfection personified and though we are fallen, He can perfect us when we put our faith and trust in His death and Resurrection that has paid for all our fallings and failings.
(See Psalms 73:23-26, Psalms 146, Leviticus 11:45, Philippians 1:6)
But they never seem to think about Christ- they do the things they wanna do, but they'll find out. I've looked around enough to know the only One I wanna know is Christ, yes. He is perfection personified and though we are fallen, He can perfect us when we put our faith and trust in His death and Resurrection that has paid for all our fallings and failings.
(See Psalms 73:23-26, Psalms 146, Leviticus 11:45, Philippians 1:6)
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