Monday, July 6, 2020

Perfection? - Perfect Son

   Everyone usually seems to desire the best in everything. We look for perfection and it seems there are two main choices for finding this. Some seem to be convinced it is still locked away within humanity and can be brought to the surface with enough work and innovation. And then others look beyond humanity to anything and everything else.
    But they never seem to think about Christ- they do the things they wanna do, but they'll find out. I've looked around enough to know the only One I wanna know is Christ, yes. He is perfection personified and though we are fallen, He can perfect us when we put our faith and trust in His death and Resurrection that has paid for all our fallings and failings.

(See Psalms 73:23-26, Psalms 146, Leviticus 11:45, Philippians 1:6)


  1. Yep, and He is, in a sense, a combination of the two options you mention: Jesus represents humanity in its perfect state, and Jesus is also beyond humanity.
