Saturday, October 3, 2020

From Heaven in Prophetic Dreams (song)

 It's funny how we attach people with certain things in our minds. We do this with a lot of things too. There are some one-hit wonder bands out there that are always known for that one main song. They may actually have had other hits too but they will never be bigger than their one huge, worldwide hit. (For example, try to name a song by Rick Dees and his Cast of Idiots besides "Disco Duck".) The same happens with actors and actresses who get associated with a major role. No matter what else they do, everyone will always know them for that role. (For example of this- Christopher Reeve as Superman.) This happens sometimes with people we've heard about in The Bible too. We've all heard about Daniel in the lion's den in Sunday School. And we've probably heard about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego facing the fiery furnace too. And maybe we only know Daniel for his special diet and interpreting the writing on the wall and the king being made like a beast for a time before repenting. All those events only make up the first half of the book though! There are a lot of prophetic dreams and visions Daniel gets in the latter half of the book that we don't always hear as much about. Sometimes they can even be a bit hard and scary to read them. We need to read them and understand them though because all of God's Word is important and useful for teaching, instructing and rebuking- and we need to fill up on all of it, okay? This song does mention some of the more famous things Daniel's known for but it focuses in more on the messages he got from Heaven in prophetic dreams.

"From Heaven in Prophetic Dreams" (parody of "Together in Electric Dreams" by Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 7/17/2020)
(the book of Daniel, Jeremiah 25, Matthew 24)

You only know Dan for a diet
Served Nebuchadnezzar's court
Telling his dreams- promoted
Friends won't bow- face flames (Christ preincarnate saves)
Palace to barnyard- king recognized
God rules as the Most High
Angelic tweet
Lions won't eat their prey
Yeshua- The Lord saves! (God always wins)
You ought to read next chapters
However hard it seems (From 7 to end)
Daniel and/or Belteshazzar
From Heaven gets prophetic dreams
Beasts- 4- first vision- that's explained
The Ancient of Days reigns
Shown next there's a ram and goat
Gabriel defines it's about end times
(Time to read Jeremiah)
Humble, confessing Daniel prays
Receives knowledge from Gabe
Then shown shiny guy
Daniel's terrified- he closed his eyes
(Loved one, now stand)
Angel says he's been held up
By Persia prince- Mike's on scene (God's angel's sent)
There's all these kings in days latter
A Southern and a Northern king
They'll align kingdoms together
However, falls- breaking
(Alliance ends)
Abomination desolate there
South and North- both kingdoms left fighting
Michael, rise- angel of Heaven
Now there's trouble, worst seen
(God's peeps delivered)
Well, all names in book written
Forever life or contempting
Daniel, you seal book for now
Knowledge runs far- increased
(How long 'til the end?)
Daniel's 70th. week
Shout out there- Matt. 24:15


  1. Ironically enough, the song this parodying is by a one-hit wonder group too. :-) (Though Philip Oakey had other successful songs with The Human League.)

  2. Nice song, one of the few out there about the second half of Daniel. :)
