Saturday, December 5, 2020

I'm Too Nerdy (song)

 It's been said that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This saying is really not true because words do hurt. The teasing and unkind words from others can really penetrate our thoughts and shake us from a place of security. 

If you want a saying that is right said, Fred, try this one- "The evil men do lives after them." We can be crushed by the evil deeds other do to us- if we let them. When we ground ourselves in faith in Jesus though, we don't have to be shaken by the mean things others and say do to us. When we know our eternal worth in Christ and know His love for us, it doesn't matter. If God be for us, who can be against us? No one! 

And even though I have been identified with the nerds and geeks quite often, I'm not bothered by it because I know who I am and Whose I am in Christ. And I am commanded to love my enemies and pray for them and that is what I strive to do. As 1 Corinthians chapter 1 tells us, God loves to use the nerdy and geeky people in the world to shame the popular and cool kids. I am thankful that even if the world thinks I'm too nerdy, God thinks I'm infinitely valuable and loves me just as I am.

"I'm Too Nerdy"

(parody of "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 7/27/2020)

(2 Corinthians 12:9-11, Philippians 2:1-18, John 15:18-19, Matthew 5:10-12, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Romans 12:9-21, Psalms 139, Matthew 5:38-48, 1 Peter 4:12-19, 1 Peter 3:17)

I'm Poindexter- seem unloved

Who's President (of) Bug Club

Bugs never leave me

I'm too nerdy for these jerks

Assess me and my worth

So nerdy it hurts!

And I'm so nerdy- mow my lawn

Szalinski automaton

"You dork!" they deadpan 

I'm too nerdy for their party

Poindexter throws own party

Yes, way I'm disco dancing

I'm Steve Urkel and though they're all mean

And they glued this little nerd to the toilet!

Yeah- want a prank war!

But I can't walk out

"Salute your shorts, you nerd, on the flagpole!"

I'm so nerdy that Picard, Spock, Kirk, LaForge, Riker

(Are) insects on ant farm!

And I'm obsessing on Screech's hat

For chess scene- need that hat

One from Violet Bickerstaff

I'm very model (of) modern major geek

I'm a Simon Seville nerd good with school work

Dilton the bookworm

Do jocks' homework, yeah

All A's in Calculus, Science, et. all

That nerdy, weird guy

Science geek Bill Nye

Tom Edison- smart guy

I'm Arvid Engen- you know IHP

And I do other cheek turn when they slap one

Yeah- in St. Matthew

5:39 (yeah)

Yeah, I'm saved by Lord Jesus- and I walk talk

Enemies in my prayers

For them I love and care

Jesus, He 

Purposed me here

1 Corinthians in 1

God picks weak (to) shame the strong

Love's going to lead me

'Cause I'm eternally loved by God!


  1. Glad you enjoyed it. I had fun working in 14 different references to pop culture nerd and geek icons in this song, some not even on purpose.
    As I mentioned in the introduction to this, I have been compared to at least three nerdy dorks from pop culture over the years, from enemies, friends and family. In order: Steve Urkel from "Family Matters", Irwin "Skippy" Handleman from "Family Ties" and Dwight Schrute from "The Office". Honestly, I'm cool with all of them. I like those characters but more importantly, I know where I stand with the One Whose opinion matters most and Lord Jesus says I'm infinitely valuable and eternally loved. :-)
