Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Everybody Wants to Save the World (Song)

 If there was one goal for villains on '80s cartoons especially, it seems like it was to rule the world! Cobra Commander, Shredder, Lex Luthor and their ilk all had their own plans for the world to give them pleasure. Of course, thankfully superheroes like G.I. Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Superman are always there to stop them. It also seems everybody wants to save the world. In a world where our flitting emotions have us constantly trading tears for fears it seems, it's hard to find peace. This was true in the '80s where the guys might have worn a pink tux to the prom and it's true today where it seems like there's constantly a panic at the disco. Yet in this crazy life, The Lord bottles our tears (Psalms 56:8-11) and gives us a faith stronger than our fears. And He has ultimately given us the solution the whole world is desperate to have to cure all the world's ills- His Son Jesus! Christ has died and Christ is risen and Christ will come again. He is our only Hope in this world and the next. We all deal with the spiritual problem of sin and we need the spiritual solution, which is faith in Jesus. When we follow Him in repentance, we are filled with The Holy Spirit and empowered to live as He would want us to live so that we bring glory to Him and be the spiritual change we long to see in the world. Eden sank to grief- and the whole world's been crying ever since. Let The Messiah trade your tears and fears for peace and joy in Him- and endure with patience as we await His return, which will truly wipe away all tears and fears forever.

"Everybody Wants to Save the World" (Parody of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" by Tears for Fears; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 9/4/2020)

(Psalms 73, Psalms 2, Psalms 137, Hebrews 12:22-29, Romans 5, Romans 10:9-13, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, 2 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Peter 4:18, John 16:33, John 14:27, Matthew 11:28-30, Matthew 6:25-34, Romans 8, Ephesians 6:10-24, Haggai 2:6-9, Habakkuk 3:1-6, Genesis 1-3, Revelation 20-22)

Adam, choose your life- there's a curse unpacked

Eden- our lost dream. We will find you

Acting on our best behaviour

Turn your back on baser nature

Everybody wants to heal the World

It's our groaning sigh- This we moan, "Rebirth!"

Help us look inside- Help us take out mote 

8 Romans- where we're set free

Suffering is surpassed- Glory be

Everybody wants renewed, healed world 

Share The Truth- let The Light just shine through

Shaking man's things- it all comes tumbling down

In Hebrews 12, read line 27, dude

So glad God can't be shaken

So sad for (the) mess we made then

Everybody knows it's a screwed-up world

Science can't end hate and division

Buried by a lack of vision

Ideology- man's way to soothe the world

Haystack- we'll never, never find the needle

One has died and rose- Lord Jesus

Reconciling lost to Him- saved world!

All our problems (are) spiritual in nature

Solve them with a spiritual answer

2nd. Cor. 5- God still rules the world 



  1. Thanks! I thought you might appreciate the reference to one of your son's favourite songs. :-)
