Sunday, January 25, 2015

It is Well with my Soul

Yep- in the Well of Souls [where The Ark of the Covenant was kept, according to the Indiana Jones movies ;-)], it is well with my soul because my soul is well into the Mercy Seat through Christ's death and Resurrection. :-)
Here's another [slightly updated] archival entry for the blog; from July 22, 2007.


"Then we'll both die."
"My soul's prepared, Dr. Jones. How's yours?"
(A scene from "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" that just came to mind.)
Of course, I'm not totally sure that the dude from the Brotherhood of the Crucified Sword or something like that was really prepared-but anyway.....

Good question though.  How's your soul doing?  As we sing in church, "It is well with my soul".
I visited at Clearview Baptist Church this morning.  It was a pretty nice service and I enjoyed singing some of the hymns and all that we sang there.  We also sang "Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past", which is almost directly lifted from Psalms 90.  And that was the main Scripture for the sermon today too.  Every day is a gift from God- make the most of all of them.  But apart from belief in God, the world is a cemetery!  It is well with my soul because I know Whom I have believed in.  Jesus died on the cross to pay for all the bad, wrong stupid things we've done (which many times feels like 99.99% of them have been done by me!) and He rose again from the dead!!! He's alive forevermore!  And He's coming back one day!  And I know that through asking Him to be my Savior and Lord, I know that I have eternal life with Him in Heaven!  And that makes every day worth living and death is nothing to be scared of.  "Death's not so scary.  I don't think it's the end of anything- more like, just another step along the way."- MacGyver in "Passages"  And MacGyver's right- for a Christian, death is just the step along the narrow way to Heaven! :-)
"My sin- O the bliss of this glorious thought- my sin, not in part, but the whole is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more- Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord- O my soul!"  Amen!!! :-)

And I just finished reading a devotional type book by David Wilkerson called "I'm Not Mad at God".  (He's the guy who wrote "The Cross and the Switchblade", about his experiences as a country preacher that God sent to reach the gangs of 1960s New York- and one gang leader in particular became a Christian through his preaching- his name is Nicky Cruz and he currently pastors a church himself! Wow- God rocks! :-))  This is a 1967 book I picked up for free from the tons of donations the library gets that they wind up throwing out and thereby leaving up for grabs.  It's actually really good and still very current for 2007!  God's Word never changes! But I must say, I don't know what's up with the cover.  I guess they're trying to reach the hippie generation of that day, but why is that so many of these books from the late 60s and early 70s (and I'm talking about Christian books, that is)- have these covers with fonts and colors and drawings that look like the artist was high on LSD or something?!!!?  - I mean, I feel like the cover should read "I'm Not Mad at God (But I am high!)" - I mean, really! LOL ;-)  (j/k- I'm sure that was just meant to get people's attention...but there are definitely some rather psychedelic book covers out there from this time period....)
Anyway- here's one entry that I thought was pretty dead on target (reference to The Hardy Boys Casefiles 1 totally unintended, but quite cool  nonetheless!) ;-)
"Our Golden Calf?"
Can you imagine a archaeologist of 2000 years hence digging up the ruins of this barren materialistic age? What would they point to as representing the God we worshipped? The formless art? The meaningless steeple crosses? The gigantic rockets stored in deep silos underground? Would they be far wrong?
    This is a generation with few real values.  An age of phonies, cheap politics and insincere Christians.  An age that seeks movement without grace and calls it music, money without purpose and calls it security, sex without sympathy and calls it love.
    Let us not act bewildered by the apparent ignorance of those who danced around Aaron's golden calf. History will expose us for our ignorance and for falling at the feet of idols and golden calves far more ridiculous.
Lesson:  Spend all your time developing true values.  Compromise and conformity form the base upon which golden calves are built.


WOW!- like I said, this is still very much current to our society (though I gather the reference to "movement without grace" is probably referring to rock and roll music- which is NOT evil, by the way- though there are plenty of evil lyrics.  But that's a whole 'nother debate right there.)  See Exodus 32 for more on the golden calf, if you're wondering.  But this is something to ponder.  I might post a few other entries from this book later on that especially hit me hard.

"Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God. For, 'All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever.' And this is the Word that was preached to you." (1 Peter 1:22-25)
Have a great week walking with Jesus!  And remember the words of the psalmist- (in this case, Moses- being inspired by God!)
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalms 90:12)


  1. Good post, Nate! I bet that book is really good from the except you posted.

  2. Thanks, Kevin. Yes, I read through that book some years ago- and it has some great entries. This one particularly stood out to me. Still so true.
