Sunday, April 5, 2015

Physician, Heal Thyself (poem)

[Note: Here is a poem from the archives (March 20, 2008 to be exact) that felt appropriate, especially after an article I read today about the rich people who invest tons of money into scientific research for ways to defy death and live longer- all the while ignoring the eternal life that Jesus offers to us through faith in His death and Resurrection. Hallelujah- what a Savior!]

 I'd been reading through Jeremiah in my devotions at the time and this just kind of hit me one day- and I decided to go the poem route this time. So here you go. It kind of deals with the problem of evil in the world- and the claims of people who think that all people are basically good- but at the same time they also vilify God for not taking an active approach to evil in the world... One day God will eradicate all evil from the world- but on that day it’ll be too late for the skeptics- because that will be the day He comes back to set up His kingdom and eternally banish the devil and his followers to punishment in Hell. " Oh yes- He’s gonna stick an apple in the devil’s lying mouth and cook him in a sulfur stew- one that’ll never be through. Is it soup yet? NO!"( Not a direct quote- but it’s from "Dear John Letter (to the devil)" by Keith Green- I love his songs! ;-))
So anyway, here’s the poem I was talking about.  And that’s it for now.

"Physician, Heal Thyself"
(by Nathan Ludwick; copyright 3/20/2008)
(see Jeremiah 17:9, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 6:23)

In this world that begins wth crying
(Assuming you make it that far without dying)
(Like a cancer that has to be killed-)
(Take a pill and drop the bomb- Nice choice, Mom!)
It seems too often we leave life the same way
Kicking, struggling and fighting to hold on to the pain
The pain that fills our in-betweens and lets us know we’re alive
With all the trials, sorrows and grief
We hardly have time for anything else in an existence all too brief
And whether yours are pink or white we all face the same strife
At least in this one commonality all humans can finally unite
But difference brings division as subtraction tempers suspicion
An addition of attrition makes for a multiplication of munitions
And all the arithmetics of politics still leave us base at the base
"Where is the love?" cries the woman of Ramah
Surely we can join together and rise above this
But once the gun is cocked, down comes the hammer
No, we didn’t start the fire but on this one Smokey’s a liar
We’ve been trying to fight it since the Garden
But the second degree burns only made our hearts harden
For a world where insolence begets violence in the extreme
And weak, tired and scared souls must protect their feelings at all costs
Because our egos won’t tolerate toleration for any cause
And we’ve taught ourselves how to gratify ourselves and make it all good
But when we can’t do that anymore we’re faced with a reality that shakes us to the core
Shakes us forward and shakes us free
Or shakes us to awake and fully engage our carnality entrenching mortality
And human life becomes nothing but prey when we’re nothing but hairless apes
When everyone does what’s right in his own eyes
It’s only a matter of time before someone loses a contact
And then concludes everyone’s impaired but her
And here is where we all live for now in the land of roaring lions
But only two because there is no non-secretarian of the jungle, only a King
Where one devours one while the other devours us that acquiese to coalesce
And he tells us we’re good of our own merit and lets us think we thought that ourselves
And those who know only the untame lion is truly good cling to the mane of salvation
It only begs the question for skeptics as each day’s paper brings evils unfurled
"How can a good people allow evil in the world?"
We keep telling ourselves we’re better than this and hope optimism will end the evils we’ve wrought,
There is a balm in Gilead but it flows only from Immanuel’s veins- the free gift of God.


  1. I really like the poem, Nate! Well said.

  2. Thanks, Kevin. I was trying to point out an inconsistency we as humans tend to have so many times... I'm glad the point got across. :-)
