Friday, December 22, 2017

Read 1st. John (song)

As Christmas approaches this year, the classic Christmas song that I have thought about a lot that I think really sums up the main point of the holiday so well comes to mind- "Love Came Down at Christmas". Indeed, God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. (See John 3:16) There is no greater love than the love God has for us all. He proved that by sending Jesus to die for our sins and rise again. (Romans 5:8) And some of the most verses we have about love in The Bible come from the books of 1st. John, 2nd. John and 3rd. John. I have a trilogy of song parodies I've written about each book and I wanted to post that as a Christmas gift here this year. Funnily enough, I wrote them in reverse order- a song about 3rd. John, then one about 2nd. John and then one about 1st. John. They're all from the 1970s and so there's that theme common to them along with the theme of Love Divine. Read 1st. John and listen to this song and may the God Who holds the earth in His hands, moves and works in us like the wind blows where it wants to go and lights a fire in us as the Great Consuming Fire envelop you in His love. Merry Christmas!

Read 1st. John
(parody of "Sing a Song" by Earth, Wind and Fire; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 2/17/2017)
(1 John)

Sin concealed found you out
Read 1st. John 1:9- pray and He forgives- yeah, yeah
If you're in Christ, walk it out
(2:6) 1st. John- liars don't obey
Sometimes it's hard to care
(2:9) 1st. John- brother, hate's not The Way
Desires of world fade here
2 in 1st. John- 17- God's way

3:1 1st. John
See what love!
God gives us!
We're His sons! (and daughters too)

Love's not talk but good deeds then
3 in 1st. John- 18- our lives we lay- yeah, ah
Christ's love showing out's our reassuring
(3:20) 1st. John- condemnations fade
God is love- 4:8 reads
4:1 1st. John- Test spirits- many fakes
Liars hate bros they can see
(4:20) 1st. John- Christians, love all peeps

(5:13) 1st. John
Believe on
Son of God
Know you've got
Eternal long
Life with God
Just like John
Sing and praise God!

You need to read 1st. John today
Jesus Christ is The Way


  1. Good song, Nate! I read 1st John recently, actually.

  2. Thanks, Kevin. Nice bit of serendipity there. :-) Of course, this is just a very condensed highlight of great verses in 1 John through all the chapters. I tried to mention most all the verses that have particularly spoken to me over the years-but they're all important and helpful, of course.
