Sunday, October 6, 2019

Artistry, Association and Arresting of Spirits by Love

      I have long wanted to write a blog like this....(I still may at some point; here you go ;-))- Billy Smiley of the classic Christian rock band Whiteheart pretty much nailed a lot of what I've wanted to say on the state of Christian music today. This is exactly why I love artists like Larry Norman, Keith Green, Rich Mullins, Mark Heard, Chris Rice and Carolyn Arends, Andrew Peterson and some others-who have been true poets willing to tackle things that don't always make it to the Christian radio playlists.....(and of course, bands like Petra, Stryper, ApologetiX, Supertones, Switchfoot and Relient K- and perhaps a few others)
    I was pleasantly surprised and thrilled to hear a Rich Mullins song on a Christian radio station recently- and I LOVE all of his songs, but immediately I was thinking, "I bet they're going to play 'Awesome God'." And, of course, I was right. (And I LOVE that song, mind you.) But it would be great to hear even more of his songs that ponder deep questions- like one of my favorites from his last album, "Hard to Get"- an incredible song, but not one that would fit in the worship category- and not one I would expect to hear on Christian radio. (And by the way, don't get me wrong on this either- I also LOVE Christian radio- I am very glad for those it reaches with the Gospel of Jesus. I do enjoy listening to the Christian stations fairly often- but I honestly listen more for sermons now than I do for music.) I have my CDs and tapes for that- and a fairly wide range of Christian and very select secular artists.....
    A lot of what this blog says resonated with me. Every now and then I imagine if Jesus had actually commanded us to do what we tend to do with Christian music now- "And thou shalt create music and entertainment for thyselves to sound as like unto the world so that thou mayest be not of the world and not even really in it either. Shelter thyselves from the masses with these creations, lest thou be forced to connect with the unbelievers in an authentic manner and thereby allow them to see a real love and hope in you. Preach My Gospel at them with the cold distance of uncaring and thereby fulfill thy sacred duties as a watchman who need not be concerned with the affairs of this world."
        The Jesus I know doesn't have problems mingling with the sinners and saints and helping both realize they're not nearly as good or as far gone as they think they are. I'm so glad Jesus loves every single one of us, even the woebegone wretched sinners who don't even realize just how truly sinful they are, but know they need help- and the hypocritical, self-righteous jerks who every now and then might have a true moment of clarity to realize they're never good enough- yes, He loves us all. And all of us are both at times. All of us need Jesus. "Freely you have received; freely give." (Matthew 10:8)
     And remember that if we are going to be like Jesus, the One who freely gave His life to pay for all sins and rise again- and give salvation to those who put faith in Him- we must associate with those He associated with on earth. And that's everyone. He loved the tax collectors and sinners- and the Pharisees. He spoke The Truth in Love to them all.
     "The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look at Him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' Yet wisdom is justified by all her children. One of the Pharisees asked Him to eat with him, and He went into the Pharisee's house and reclined at the table. And behold, a woman of the city, who was a sinner, when she learned that He was reclining at table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment, and standing behind Him at His feet, weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head and kissed His feet and anointed them with the ointment." (Luke 7:34-38)
     Jesus loves the sinners and the saints and reaches out to both- and calls both to repent and follow Him. The sinner repenting of his sin and the saint repenting of his righteousness. We are both the sinner and the saint- we must repent of our sin and our righteousness. We have no righteousness of our own- even that which we think is good of our own accord is but filthy rags before the holy God. (Isaiah 64:6)
Be honest with God and with others- and humbly associate with all and love all- because Jesus does. (Philippians 2:1-13)

(*Also- let me shout to Tim Keller and "The Prodigal God" once more- SUCH a great book!)

(*This also seems to be a great post to point you to this song by T-Bone called "Name Droppin' " where he names a lot of great Christian artists of various genres. The music video is great too, with cameos from John Schlitt of Petra, Geoff Moore and others. )

(*One other favourite I wanted to mention. This amazing song by Andrew Peterson and largely written by Gloria Gaither is another great tribute to so many artists who have inspired me in my walk with Christ
 Thank God for poets I have known!
"To All The Poets" by Andrew Peterson )