Friday, June 5, 2020

We Just Disagree

(Note: This was written as a response to some heated comments I saw online over something that should not have been controversial for Christ followers, but sometimes that happens anyway when emotions get revved up. The exact nature of that is not my main focus here; this is more just on how we talk yo one another and treat each other. Let God's Love and mercy lead always.) 

   It is always interesting reading responses to Scriptures posted online and to ideas in general. There can be a lot of good ideas expressed here. There are usually some I would not agree with but even if I don't, I want to listen and try to understand and learn from them. As I noted with my nephews the other day, I am incredibly stupid quite often so I need to grab whatever learning I can. ;-)
   Much of what I would say in response might be said already, though clearly I would likely have befuddled people with esoteric '80s references for no reason and made more poop jokes and such. (Remember that I have already established my capacity for depths of incredible stupidity. ;-) By the way, speaking of befuddlement, if Bugs Bunny's oft hunter became a supervillain, I would definitely want to call Elmer Fudd the Fuddler and write statements like, "The Fuddler finally utterly befuddled that wascally wabbit!")
     If I seem to be going out of my way to make dumb jokes, that's because I'm goofy! (Not Goofy- that's trademarked.) And it's also because I wanted to highlight a point made earlier here. We need to slow down, stop, pause and pray before we jump into everything with guns blazing. Sometimes lightening the mood a little can dissipate some tension and defuse some anger. And here we can make sure our anger is directed where it should be in a righteous way.
    Let me be very clear that while I don't take myself very seriously, I take Jesus and The Bible extremely seriously. As Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision desired, I want my heart to be broken by the things that break the heart of God.
   God's heart is certainly shattered over the injustice and murder and racial hatred that has gone on in our world. He's equally shattered over retaliatory acts that also disregard His commands in the form of vandalism and further violence.
I in no way would ever make light of either.
    I think my brothers and sisters in Christ have already said some great statements on a Christian response to all this and I echo their comments. Out of the park six runs! :-) (Now those comments will get a cricket response instead of a crickets response.)
    Here is the main observation I want to make about the way we often respond to each other, both in person but especially on social media behind the safe reach of keyboards. If you feel that what someone is saying is dotishness (to use a Trini term- i.e. stupidness), then that's something you can address. In addressing it though, let's remember to make sure our words are comporting to Ephesians 4:29 and that we are only saying what's useful to lifting folks up. We already have the world there to beat us down- we don't need more of the same from those who are our friends and especially those who claim the Name of Christ. We must speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).
    And please remember that behind every statement is a real life person- a human being made in the image of Almighty God, infinitely important, eternally valuable and loved and worthy of love and respect. Remember that what you say to them is akin to saying it to Jesus. (Matthew 25:40) And we will give an account for every single word we say and thought we think to Jesus. (Matthew 12:36) And Jesus says the world will know we are Christians by our love for one another. (John 13:35) Philippians 2 says I am to think of others as better than myself. That is the attitude of humility I should be bringing, taking my example from Jesus Himself.
    With that in mind, here are a few things I would plead. Make sure what you're saying is true, kind and helpful and loving. There is a place for bringing rebuke in love- and believe me, I need to hear it. But let's always be gracious in those rebukes as well.
    And when we see other's posts that we disagree with, let's always give them the benefit of the doubt. Before lashing out on gut emotion, let's pause to think and catch our mind's breath and and consider who we are dealing with here. Let's make every effort to read those statements in the absolute best light possible, rather than the absolute worst light possible as we often tend to do. Let's assume the best about others rather than assume the worst.
    Then in giving our reply, I would encourage leading off with the good stuff. Accentuate the positive first. What are the points of agreement where I can say, "Whoa! You totally rock, dude! (Or dudette, as the case may be.) Thanks for being way awesome and saying that. I LOVE how said that part that is absolutely spot on!"? After saying that, then I'll gently and gingerly get into the points where I have to respectfully disagree.
   But let's remember that the likelihood of my stupidity seeping through is high so I may be wrong in my opinion too. But I want you to know I respect your right to your opinion and whether we agree or not- I totally respect you! I always love regardless of where we stand on issues. I don't care what you say that I disagree with- you're still awesome and you're still my friend and brother and sister in The Lord!
    Those are the things I often see lacking and I am grieved to see how we tear each other down so much. This is not to say I'm not all jacked up too- I've got plenty of failings too! (Me and Paul keep have WCW/WWF wrestling matches over the "chief of sinners" title weight belt. :-( )
We can all stand to do better.
   May our love and righteous anger be like those of Jesus and may He heal us and use us to bring His love to others. And may He bless you all.


  1. Amen, always a good approach to respect the other person with whom you have a disagreement.

  2. Thanks. Yes, I am always trying to emphasize this.
