Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Sunrise Dawns (poem)

Here's a Christmas poem to remember the sacrifice made to save us all- the sacrifice that extended beyond the cross and empty tomb- the sacrifice that started when Thou didst leave Thy throne, Lord Jesus. You stepped down and clothed yourself in human flesh and became a little Baby Boy in Bethlehem. You grew up to be the paragon of human existence, living a perfect life and dying a perfect death on the cross and then having a perfect Resurrection. You are perfection itself. Thank You for loving such imperfect people like me and coming to save us- and make us to be like You.

"The Sunrise Dawns"
(copyright by Nathan Ludwick 12/26/2015)
(Luke 1-2, Matthew 1-2, John 1:1-18, Mark 1:1-11)

The Way in a manger
The Truth in a stable rude
The Life descends on a midnight clear
The Word resounds on a silent night
The Light of the world shines in thy dark streets, O Bethlehem
The Prince of Peace born by a pauper's means
The King of Kings crowned with hay for a wreath
The Lord of Lords with no glory to behold, by animals and shepherds adored
The Mighty God a tiny, helpless Babe
The Wonderful Counselor consoles Israel but not Himself
The Everlasting Father becomes the Only Begotten Son
The Seed of the woman planted for a tree
The Second Adam here to erase the curse of the first Adam
The Door of the sheep found only a door for sheep
The Desire of Nations had no beauty that we should desire Him
The Good Shepherd is The Lamb of God fit for the slaughter
The Holy Child comes to us lowly and mild
The Bright and Morning Star made a new star to shine with hope
The Beloved Son grows up to be a despised Man of Sorrows
The Author of Eternal Salvation writes Himself into our story
The Bread of Life is broken for us
The New Wine is spilled as blood for us
The Creator takes the punishment for His created
The Great High Priest becomes a curse for us
The Messiah comes to be our Passover
We find our rest in the New Sabbath
The Son of God becomes the Son of Man as well
So that the sons of earth might become sons of God too
Hallelujah, for The Saviour is born and we can be born again.
The Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings lifts us up as eagles
The Resurrection and The Life resurrects our lives with new life.
The Rose of Sharon blooms forevermore
And one day The Witness will see us witness to the great glory
of The Lord of Glory as we praise the Lord of all forever
All thanks to Immanuel who has made God with us our reality once more.
Let the Amen be raised in praise for endless days.


  1. Beautiful poem, Nate! I like the symmetry of the lines and the irony in some of them.

  2. Thanks so much, Kevin. The first line came to me a while back when singing "Away in a Manger"- and away it went from there.
