Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Green, Dumb, But Still Growing :-)

    Job 3:23, "Why is life given to a man whose way is hidden, whom God has hedged in?" - Thankfully, God does provide a hedge of protection for His children. But hedges have to be trimmed at times. It not only helps them look better but helps it and the garden to grow at the right rate.
    As Jesus tells us in John 15, God prunes the branches that don't bear fruit. And sometimes He brings in some discipline, like Hebrews 12 talks about, but He does it for those He loves. It doesn't mean it's fun to go through, but the Master Gardener will grow us to perfection here (Philippians 1:6) so he can transplant us to that New Eden one day. :-)


  1. Amen! I like the garden theme. We may be green and dumb, but God has a green thumb and loves his plants that have taken root in the good soil that rely on Him for pruning.

  2. Yes- exactly! I'm glad you got my pun. :-)
