Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Can Wash Away My Sin? (poem)

Okay- and now I want to present a poem I wrote the as kind of a follow up in some ways to a poem I wrote some years ago that I called “What Can Make Me Whole Again?” Both that poem and this one follows the same format- a series of questions. I hope that in them everyone can truly see The Answer who holds an exclamation point for every question mark. :-)

“What Can Wash Away My Sin?”
(original poem by Nathan Ludwick 9/6/2013)
(Romans 1, Hebrews 2:1-4, 2 Peter 3:8-18, Romans 5:8, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21)

When did sex become so casual?
When did we start having friends with benefits?
When did baby daddy become a family member?
When did partners and special friends get united in holy matrimony?
When did sexuality become our god?
When did we reinvent its meaning?
When did we begin experimenting with new sexual identities, partners and acts?
When did rape, lust, pornography and torture devices become aspects of love?
When did the world and life itself become our personal centerfold for masturbation?
When did clothing become optional?
When did streaking exhibitionism become inhibition freeing expressionism?
Why can’t we censor anything at all?
When did free speech become our excuse for any vulgarity?
When did our quest for natural and artificial highs trump everything else no matter how low we have to go?
When did it become me and not us?
When did hedony become our manifest destiny?
When did violence become our common expression of feelings?
When did murder become our aversion to boredom?
When did ridicule and sarcasm become our native tongue?
When did babies become an inconvenience to be disposed of instead of a gift?
When did life itself become ours to give and take, whether our own or those we’ve grown tired of caring for anymore?
When did our self-actualization become our empowerment to think, say and do as we please?
Who died and made us god?
Why do we assume the mantle and assume there is none higher to judge us?
Why do we do everything to avoid our funeral instead of prepare for it?
When did our barns become so full of stuff that we have to rent storage sheds to hold it all?
When did our wallets get so fat and our hearts become so small?
When did we trade discipline and responsibility for our perceived personality and personal freedom to do anything we can possibly think to do?
When did we reject all authority but our own?
When did we become such scoffers of truth, justice, love and redemption?
When did we exchange the truth for a lie?
When did we become cynical misers seeking only to save ourselves?
When did we fool ourselves into believing we have?
When did the love of God poured and flowing through a bloody cross and empty tomb become such an outdated and laughable story in a book of fairy tales to us?
Why do we tremble at we don’t even claim to believe?
How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?


  1. Thanks, Kevin. This one was kind of a way to let out some frustration and despair at seeing the state of the world. It's obviously a lot more blatant than the previous one. I hope this one serves as a wake-up call to the world to really consider how we live and consider what God's Word says especially regarding our need for Jesus.
