Monday, April 30, 2018

Love Comes Knocking (poem)

I wanted to get one more poem in under the wire for National Poetry Month in April and so here is this entry. The last minute nature of it seems appropriate since it talks about how love can seem the same way at times. It never seems to come at an opportune time but the opportunities for love are there all the time, if we take time to follow the Spirit's lead and engage them. This poem is inspired by a real life encounter with one such opportunity.

"Love Comes Knocking"
(poem copyright by Nathan Ludwick 3/23/2018)
(2 Corinthians 4:7, Revelation 3:20, Philippians 2, 1 Corinthians 13, Song of Songs 8:6-7, Luke 10:25-37, Matthew 25, Luke 15, John 13:34-35, Hebrews 13:2, 1 John 3:16-18)

Love comes knocking
Throughout each day
And at all hours of the night
Never pushing and demanding
Just wishing and hoping with a hand out
It's never on time but it's never too late
It takes you by surprise with its weight
You're hit with it at your lowest time
Right when you feel you can't take any more
It's always inconvenient for those who don't have time to take time
But it's a giver not a taker
And it gives you more than you could ever give
Nothing you lose compares to what you gain
Its every appointment is divinely ordained
It's the only thing you get more of when you give it all away
Love crosses the street to reach out and pull up
Love pours itself all out- not just half way
Love is the greatest and it always abides
Love is what makes life truly life
It pulls its wool over our hides
It clothes us with its brand so others can believe their eyes
Love knows no stranger- only long lost friends
Love invites all to come on in
Love declares all of infinite value
Love gives in sacrifice to show by action that it is real and alive
Love never gives out and never gives up
And Love is as strong as death
And rises to forgive in extravagance
Love is the answer and the antidote to all the world's evils
Love flows deep and wide like a river at the base of a tree
Love changes your whole world and it's what the world needs now
Love is true and right and the only Good in this world
And when you open your heart
Love comes in quietly, softly and tenderly
Love never fails- He is forever!
Let Love give and give Love- for free
Love won't force the locked in
- Love comes knocking



  1. Awesome poem! Yes, we are covered with Love's fleece, white as snow, so that others CAN believe their eyes when they see His love in us. I especially liked that part of it.

  2. Thanks. Yes, when we are captured by so great a Love, the only natural response is to let Him flow to others. :-)
