Saturday, September 19, 2020

It's in Titus (song)

 Everyone needs someone to help them in this life. No man is an island, as John Donne said. (Though I do still like to think of myself as an island mon, who is dependent on God and others. :-)) Some of the great heroes had sidekicks to help them. The Lone Ranger and Tonto. Batman and Robin. Paul and Silas. Of course, Paul had chosen Titus to help establish the church in Crete. And through the Holy Spirit's inspiration, he wrote a letter to help him with choosing qualified elders to help in the church and to assure sound doctrine was being taught and to be wary of false teachers. He also reminded Cretan believers that some of the top picks on the list of the best ways to live for Christ include living Godly, upright self-controlled lives so that others can see the grace of God through us. If you want help in God's Word in these things, pray and ask Him for help and read this letter- it's in Titus. 

"It's in Titus" 

(Parody of "Kiss on my List" by Hall & Oates; copyright by Nathan Ludwick 5/11/2020)

(The book of Titus; especially Titus 1:2, 1:15, 2:5, 2:10-14 and 3:5-7)

My friend, son of mine I call you 

Paul's true child in common faith

Please don't be deceived; fakes lead some Cretans astray

Appoint elders- you need help; above reproach kinda guys of 1 wife

Bishops/overseers- not given to violence or pride

No greed to be rich, but holy, disciplined

Holds sound doctrine

So they can go show fakes Truth, rebuking them

Their minds' defiled- nothing's pure- to pure, all things pure

Read what Titus, Titus 1:15 prints

You must silence professing hypocrites

The false prophets teach Jewish myths but Jesus never lies!

Because Titus 1:2- it tells us this

From false prophets you keep social distance

Teach what keeps with all sound doctrine- then you'll turn down the lies 

Well, God's grace has come bringing salvation for all the peeps

Live upright and wait up for Christ- gave His all to redeem

Sober minds, steadfastness in older men; In older women, reverence is sought

Train up girls when young to be pure, kind women of God 

To husbands submit and love him and kids

2:5 Titus

If you want to know what the reason is

No one reviles word of Christ when our lives align 

Likewise, young men- goodness is on my list

Teach with soundness- no one can condemn this

Because witness adorns doctrine of Jesus- 2:10 line

So bondservants submit in all Boss says

Pleasing service, not given to arguments

Because goodness is our witness we're reborn now in Christ

Now read Titus 3, babe

Because us kids were just all once foolish

Slaves to passions, malice, disobedience

But when goodness, lovingkindness of Jesus came- verse 5

We're saved because Your gift paid sins- His mercy's rich

Because our righteousness- it can't do this

Washed by Spirit- Grace justifies- we've eternal life!

You can trust this, Titus, on this insist

Because goodness profits Christians- ya dig?

Because foolish rifts, arguments are worthless and divide

Ohh- please come! Nicopolis- my snowbird nest

Zenas- please come!