A Prayer of a Ragamuffin
"We seem to have concluded that God chooses to only use spiritual giants, the highly gifted, multi-talented, faith-filled people of this world, and not spiritual pygmies like me and perhaps you. But frankly, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, God has a well documented history of working through the broken vessels of this world, the 'scalawags and ragamuffins'. For just one example, even after committing adultery, which led to murder, David was called by no less than God 'a man after His own heart.' "- From "The Art of Helping Others" by Douglas C. Mann
:-) I'm so glad that God loves to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. This way, it's easier to not get confused and think that the extraordinariness was anything from the person; rather, it's all from Jesus. I know I am just a ragamuffin in desperate constant need of "the reckless raging fury that they call the love of God" (as Rich Mullins put it). And I know that Jesus makes beautiful things out of the dust of me. As I have heeded Your call to "come and know Me better, man" (like James 4:8 might read in the Dickens translation
;-)), thank You for knowing and loving me, even though You know all about me and how much of a stingy, rotten, foul, greedy (and badly dressed
;-) Scrooge I am on my own. Thank You that just as Scrooge was changed by his supernatural encounter with ghosts, You have changed and are changing me by my supernatural encounter with The Holy Ghost. Thank You for salvation. Savior please, keep saving me. I have been saved, I am being saved and I will be saved- not by anything that I am or anything I've done- only by Your grace and favor. Help me to trust You more and stand firm in faith, not shaken by insecurities, worries and doubts from my many failings. Cleanse me from sin, wash me clean and keep me walking as before when I first made my good profession of faith in You- it's You who enabled that and led me to that and You who have maintained and continue to maintain everything- thank You for choosing to use ragamuffins like me. Hold me, Jesus and use me to encourage others to You too. Move in me because I'm nothing without You- there's no way I can make it without You or do anything without You. And whether I ever feel anything or not- whether I ever see a burning bush not consumed or a wheel turning within a wheel- like You said in John 20:29- blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. I trust You whether I see or feel any further confirmation or not- I trust You are there and working- Help me to be found faithful. Thank You for loving and using vain and weak things like me to confound the wise of the world. (1 Corinthians 1). Help me to walk confidently in the dark with Your light as my candle on a stand, glowing for me and all others so we can all glorify our Father in Heaven.
John 15:5- Amen. I am nothing without You, Jesus. Galatians 2:20- I am crucified with You, Christ- I no longer live but You live in me. Colossians 3:1-4 - Help me to keep my mind on Heavenly things and not just earthly things, Lord. I have died and You are my life now. Live in me as You please. I need You to live and move in me because I have flunked this thing called Life so many times- it's the same result any time I do anything on my own strength. It's all on You, Lord- and I know You got this. And I know You've got me because You are faithful and I have trusted and still trust You to be there for me and hold me now. Thank You, Savior and Friend. Help me to show my thanks by my life.
Galatians 5:1-12- It is for freedom Christ has set you free- stand firm and don't be burdened again by slavery. - also John 8:32-36 - If The Son has set you free, you're free indeed. Ephesians 6:1-20- walk confidently with the full armor of God on fast- belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet prepared with the readiness that comes from The Gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, Sword of The Spirit (i.e. Word of God) and pray and supplication at all times. Be bold and make known the mystery of The Gospel. (It's crazy but God loves us like crazy and did something crazy to prove it- Romans 5:8- Jesus' death and Resurrection forever declare the eternal love of God for all people.) Philippians 1:27-30 -whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of The Gospel of Christ. Don't be afraid- keep standing firm and contending for the faith of The Gospel. It's a sign to the opposition that they'll be destroyed but that we will be saved- and that by God!!! It's ALL by God- yet He still works in us too. It's been granted to us by Christ to not only believe on Him but to suffer for Him too. (Philippians 2:1-13) Be like Jesus in your attitude- humble and like a servant. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God The Father and every knee will bow to Him. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling- but remember that it's God who's working in us to will and act according to His good purpose. Philippians 3:1- Finally, my brothers, rejoice in The Lord! It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you. (Boy, do I need that safeguard over and over and over again.) Colossians 1:17- He (Jesus) is before all things and in Him all things hold together. (He created it all and holds it all together!!!) Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ. Keep reminding me of Your truth and Your love over and over and over again- it's always new and incredible and refreshing- let it flow out of me to be a fragrant aroma to others that draws them to You.