Sunday, November 30, 2014

Endure A Little While Longer

(NOTE: Another entry from the archives, as I mentioned in the last post. I hope to have some new writings on various topics coming soon. :-) I hope this blesses and encourages you.)
    (Revelation 2:3, Mark 13:13, 2 Timothy 2:12)
I just ran out into the cold winter weather to get the rest of my things in from the car with no jacket on. Of course, I've done brief sprints into the cold with shorts, T-shirt and sandals before. I was just thinking how it's funny that I'm willing to do silly and even foolhardy things at times when I know whatever discomfort I feel won't be long and I know the end result is worth it. It's harder... to remember that sometimes in the spiritual life, but the comparison is still true. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to serve The Lord with gladness and endure hardships as good soldiers of The Lord Jesus Christ. And though the trials seems long and arduous and even unbearable or impossible at times, we know that it won't be that long overall and the end result (the strengthening of our faith, as James 1 talks about) will be worth it. Of course, we also have the promise of the ultimate destination at the end- as Philippians 1:6 says (along with numerous others), God will present us perfect in Christ Jesus one day in Heaven! The One who is coming will come and will not delay- He will come in just a very little while. (Now whether that little while is a matter of minutes or a matter of millennia, we don't know and can't say- but regardless of whether The Lord returns in our lifetime or not)- the righteous one will live by faith. And God's not pleased with us if we shrink back- since that leads to destruction- but we're not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved! Hallelujah and Maranatha! Our light and momentary struggles are not worth comparing with the Glory that will be revealed in us. (Christ in us! And of course, He is the Hope of Glory! And The King of Glory! The One alone worthy of all glory, honor and praise! Praise The Lord!) So while the world might call us silly, stupid and foolhardy- we will gladly bear the title of fools for Christ because the foolishness of the cross is the power of salvation for us who believe and the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom! And through it all, Jesus is right there with us every step of the narrow way and never leaves us! And The Holy Spirit lives in us, guiding and teaching us. God Himself is going to get us home to God! In a little while we'll be with The Father forever... Until then, we must journey on on this unexpected journey to another land beyond what any eye has seen or ear has heard or mind has conceived of goodness God has for us. So don't be discouraged or afraid- be of good cheer, for Christ has overcome the world! Let's keep striving to be awkwardly uncomfortable for Christ a little while longer- the winter will end soon and Christmas will come... Keep walking by faith and not by sight and trust the untame but good Lion of Judah. He will get this fellowship home safely. Fight the good fight, keep the faith, and run the race for the prize!
    This passage that I love from "At the Back of the North Wind" by George MacDonald beautifully demonstrates the point I'm trying to get across here. If you haven't read this awesome book from the guy who C.S. Lewis called "his master"- check it out! It's in the public domain, so you can read it for free here! :-)

    'He trembled so at the thunder, that his knees failed him, and he sunk down at North Wind’s feet, and clasped her round the column of her ankle. She instantly stooped, lifted him from the roof — up — up into her bosom, and held him there, saying, as if to an inconsolable child —
    “Diamond, dear, this will never do.”
    “Oh yes, it will,” answered Diamond. “I am all right now — quite comfortable, I assure you, dear North Wind. If you will only let me stay here, I shall be all right indeed.”
    “But you will feel the wind here, Diamond.”
    “I don’t mind that a bit, so long as I feel your arms through it,” answered Diamond, nestling closer to her grand bosom.
    “Brave boy!” returned North Wind, pressing him closer.
    “No,” said Diamond, “I don’t see that. It’s not courage at all, so long as I feel you there.”
    “But hadn’t you better get into my hair? Then you would not feel the wind; you will here.”
    “Ah, but, dear North Wind, you don’t know how nice it is to feel your arms about me. It is a thousand times better to have them and the wind together, than to have only your hair and the back of your neck and no wind at all.”
    “But it is surely more comfortable there?”
    “Well, perhaps; but I begin to think there are better things than being comfortable.” '


  1. I've always liked that passage from the book (that you showed me).

  2. Yeah- that is one of my all time favorites! (You still need to read the whole book if you haven't yet- so worth it! And so much more than just a kid's fantasy book.) :-)
