Sunday, November 30, 2014

The "Good Ol' Days"

(NOTE:  Okay- just a forewarning for those who mightst darest to readest this collection of words and punctuation marks (hopefully in some semblance of order.) This particular collection of my next two posts is composed from various writings from different time periods and kinda thrown together. It is on a range of topics that I have thought on at different times and as usual, I have a creative output post following. And as always, I trust everything I say and do is seasoned with grace and whether the preaching is in season or out of season that I'm always proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and God and speaking and living His truth in love. :-)

        So here's a quick catch-you-up catechism for you. (Hopefully it will lead you to proper theology and doctrine, but you probably don't need to use it as such. And I should probably not be using Catholic terms that my Protestant understanding is not as familiar with- lol. But I love my Catholic/Anglican peeps too- they have a lot of cool liturgical practices that I think we can learn a lot from.) Speaking of which, I had kind of an ecumenical experience when I went to an Episcopal church a while back to see Handel's "The Messiah" performed. AWESOME! I don't know if you're supposed to do this at an Episcopal church (but since it is certainly Biblical- Psalms 134:2), I was raising my hands in worship on the Hallelujah Chorus! The LORD God omnipotent reigneth forever! Jesus Christ- The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Amen! :-) (I was just imagining singing that with billions of others before the glorious throne of the only Holy God for all eternity! One day- one glorious day! :-))
       I've said this before, but it bears repeating. I heard someone on the radio say, "We need Jesus now more than ever." And that's not really true. It implies that there's been a time when we didn't need Jesus as much, and that's not true either. I'm not trying to be a wiseguy about this, but there is an important point here. Sometimes people lament the state of the world today and say things were better back in "the good ol' days". What days were that? The days of war? The days of civil unrest? The days of hatred and murder? The days of disease and natural disaster? The days of dishonesty and theft? The days of sexual immorality? I think it's easy to gloss over history sometimes, particularly our childhood, since we generally weren't paying much attention to the news as kids and so just remember things as being good. (And remember what Ecclesiastes 7:8-10 says about this.) The truth is- things have been bad and are still bad. We are still living in a fallen world that will never be totally fair and right until the day of The Lord Christ! The only "good ol' days" we've had were from Genesis 1-2. It's all been bad since then. We won't have truly "good ol' days" again until Revelation 21-22.
Oh, curse-reversing day of Jesus! He completed the work at Calvary through His death and Resurrection. Through our faith, hope and love in Him we can join Him in His great Kingdom of love and light.


  1. True words (collected together with punctuation marks). I'll be seeing Handel's Messiah tomorrow night, actually, and it's a sing-along performance!

  2. Awesome! I'm sure you had a great time- that is such a moving and worshipful experience. :-)
