Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Lake of Fire (song)

"The fear of The Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) As much as it's important to not be held captive to fear, there is also importance in having some fear- a fear of The Lord. As Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, we should fear the One Who can destroy both body and soul in hell. We are all sinners by nature and all bound to eternal torment in hell because of our rebellion against God. That's a truth you don't want to be a Johnny-Come-Lately to learning- because there is a day it will be too late to do anything about it. (Hebrews 9:27) We will all die one day, unless The Lord Christ returns first. Either way, we will face judgment then. The Good News is that God loves us so much that He paid for all our sins by dying in our place and rising again! If we put faith in Christ for forgiveness and salvation and follow Him, we can have assurance of salvation from hell and the burning lake of fire and entry into Heaven instead. That's a truth you can cash all your chips in on. Cash it all in on Christ today. (2 Corinthians 6:2) Now is the day of salvation!

"The Lake of Fire"
(parody of "The Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash; copyright Nathan Ludwick 1/21/2019)
(Mark 9:42-50, Matthew 10:26-33, Revelation 20, Luke 16:19-31, 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, Romans 10:9-13)

God had rebellion break
And He made a fiery lake
Found by sin's desire
In Rev. 20- the lake of fire

Christ's Book of Life or burning lake of fire?
Written down (or) not found?
In the flames (or) Paradise, yeah?
Will you burn or turn?
The lake of fire's for Christ revilers
(You) might fall into the burning lake of fire
Teeth are gnashed and ground
And the flames won't tire
Forever burns, burns, burns
The lake of fire, the lake of fire

The grace and love of Jesus
Sin-hearts like ours need it
To hell we're doomed at the trial
Oh, but Messiah reconciled

Christ still endured the burning lake of fire
He went down- that's how
Jesus paid our price there
And He returned third morn
Offering was final- all sins (for) all time, there
Devil will stew in burning lake of fire
20:10- it's found
Revelation- right there
Forever burns, burns, burns
Mark 9:48- the worm won't die there
And God yearns- Return!
The cross of Christ's still
Saving from fire
Saving from fire
Saving from fire


  1. I actually knew the tune to that one already! Good song!

  2. Thanks. I thought it was fitting to post this one next, given the theme of the last song I posted. I don't think fear should be used to manipulate but there does need to be a healthy fear of The Lord in place.
