Sunday, February 23, 2020

Whiter Than Snow (poem)

(Note: This is another entry from the archives. For the purposes of historicity, I will leave in my original introduction and closing remarks from January 2011. It seems timely to post this poem since I again recently saw some snowfall that got me some time off from work. And the clean feeling snow leaves after it washes the world in white is always a great metaphor for the washing clean God does of every dirty heart that anyone proffers to Him in faith. :-))

Here's one last poem to wrap things up. This one was inspired by the wonderful snow storm God sent us that got me 2 1/2 days off from work and allowed me time to stay home and work on further writing and other pursuits. This poem was written as a reflection on waking up to a snow day and the picture that God gives us with the invitation to reason it out- and it is the best, most reasonable deal out there- how He can make our vile, filthy, blood-red hearts as clean and pure and white as snow- and cleaner and whiter.

Whiter Than Snow
(poem by Nathan Ludwick 1/10/ 2011)
(Isaiah 1:18)

What amazing transformation transpires in the night
As we slumber and then awaken to a world of white
The joy and wonderment light our faces with a warm glow
For the ground's fresh carpet of clean soft snow
Everything somehow seems free, new and alive
The world feels at peace and love spreads far and wide
As I traverse the diamonds beset with beads of pearl
I look to the Heavens and think "What a Wonderful World!"
And I make a snow angel and hear a song in the air
The song all creation's been singing that I love to hear
A song of hope and courage, of light and good cheer
Which makes me think of the prophets' and sages' contemplation
Of a love that bears all and offers us all this invitation
Mired in rags stained with filth and dirt though we be
Our misdeeds red as our faces, like blood running down a tree
As we embrace The Lamb, He clothes us with His wool and though
Our sins a study in scarlet, He transforms us whiter than snow.
(and yes, I have a couple of references to things within the poem too- like a famous Louis Armstrong song of course, a Sherlock Holmes story and "There's A Song in the Air" and "Angels from the Realms of Glory". :-))
And I should credit Rebekah Sewell for inspiring the "diamonds" line- brilliant. :-)

And this is really all for now. Hope everyone has a great week and I just love everyone today. And I really mean that- God loves me and because of His love, I love everyone. Because He loves everyone. And as Tiny Tim observed, God bless us, everyone! :-))